The castle

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"Ladies, ladies pay great attention for this is most important," said Mrs. Shaw clapping twice to get the attention of–I've lost count- many maids that spanned out across the entertainment room.

Jessica, Ryan, and I have never seen this many people in the house much less maids. "Ladies listen! Tomorrow is a significantly important day, you'll all be assigned to the castle, and you will be preparing the ballroom for the grand ball the king will be hosting. Everyone in the king's kingdom and out near yet far will be invited, even you gals." She paused to let the excitement wash over us and it indeed did.

I've never been to a ball, I shivered with anticipation and great excitement. I could squeal, this was exactly what I needed, possibly to meet other people as well.

I could hear Jessica faintly mumbling what color and fabric would most fit our complexions and body time.
I giggled internally at her excitement.

My mind was far too occupied to hear the rest of what Mrs.Shaw was saying.

what of kaius you ask? Well since the amazing orgasm he delivered yesterday he's been avoiding me like the plague. ALL DAY, I've seen literally no sign of him.

If it wasn't for the fact that I've felt his presence watching me, I'd have thought he was gone.

"Ahh" sighing heavily I turned back to Mrs.Shaw to listen to the rest of her announcement. "Very well so those of you who don't raise your hands will be assigned to the king's throne room. Aurelia, you'll be assigned to the king's bed-chambers" My eyes widened as I stared at Mrs.Shaw as if she's grown two heads.

Perhaps someone else is also called Aurelia. Um they're looking at me. Good god almighty.

I thought only vampires cleaned the king's bed chambers. I mean granted I was assigned to clean the one inside his home away from home BUT this is the castle. Surely he wouldn't allow me, a human, to enter his chambers.

"Jesus Christ Kallisto will likely lose her mind in entirety," I thought while cringing. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up to see everyone staring at me. What the fuck, why the hell am I so unfocused today?

"I'm sorry Mrs Shaw I didn't quite catch that," I say quickly not even knowing if she's the reason they're looking at me.

Thankfully she was.

She sighed rather heavily seeming just as tired and annoyed as the rest of the lot " I said you need to leave tonight girl, the king has given you the chambers beside his own as it is where his personal maid's resides" My mouth was slightly opened as I attempted to process what exactly the fuck she was on about.

"Um okay?" I responded extremely unsure of everything from my answer to what's happening.

Just end the fucking night already!. It's almost 8!

Mrs. Shaw stared blankly before blinking slowly while looking around, very well those of you from the castle the vans are waiting outside, the rest of you return to your quarters" said Mrs. Shaw "Except you Aurelia dear, the king already had items in your size and new uniforms in your room"

Once again who or what the fuck is going on.

"Um right uh can I just say goodnight to my um- friends" I asked unsure if saying friends would upset her as technically she's my boss. But to my surprise, she waved her hand nonchalantly signaling me to go ahead.

I walked Jessica and Ryan quickly to the room not wanting to keep the last van waiting. "Are you fucking the king?" Ryan's teasing voice said almost making me choke as Jessica laughed.

"Oh yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing you little shit, jealous?" I told her while she stared at me with me staring right back at her before we both howled with laughter not being able to keep our straight faces.

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