Cardiff vs Aurelia

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10:30 A.M


Aurelia walked down the quaint streets of Cardiff, England, her thick mop of honey-brown curls bouncing with each step. The small community, nestled in the Welsh countryside, seemed to smile along with her.

The historic stone buildings, adorned with ivy and climbing roses, stood sentinel along the narrow lanes. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted from the local bakery, mingling with the sweet fragrance of blooming wildflowers.

With a one-strap duffel bag slung over her shoulder, Aurelia looked like a young woman who had it all figured out. But Cardiff knew better. They knew she was one of the orphans from the orphanage, finally free to leave or stay.

And they knew she wouldn't stay, no matter how much she loved them or how kind she was. Aurelia wanted out, away from the place where her mother had abandoned her through death.

Cardiff wasn't bad, It was one of the only places with a population of only humans. The creatures preferred more lavish lifestyles, and Cardiff was more like the cherry on top of the cake. Aurelia stopped glancing around, her eyes fixed on her destination: a cozy cottage, where Mrs. Gloria lived.

The old woman had worked at the orphanage her entire adulthood, retiring just months before Aurelia's departure. Mrs. Gloria knew the young girl was deeply broken by her mother's departure, even if she never spoke of it.

She remembered the day young Aurelia arrived at the orphanage, angry and mute. Gloria recalled the young girl's anger finally overflowing one day, screaming and crying until exhaustion took hold. The entire community heard her heartbreaking cries and Gloria's soothing words. From then on, Aurelia considered Gloria the light of her day, her life.

Though happy to leave, Aurelia would miss Gloria dearly. But she was finally rid of the small place that trapped her. She would do great things. A true beauty, Aurelia's eyes lit up for the first time in four years, and the citizens of Cardiff felt a surge of happiness as she skipped toward what she called freedom.

As she passed the old oak tree, Aurelia reached out to touch its gnarled trunk, a habit she'd developed over the years. The rough bark felt comforting beneath her fingertips, a reminder of the familiar and the safe. She paused for a moment, gazing up at the leafy canopy above, the dappled sunlight casting intricate patterns on the ground.

Mrs. Gloria, stood on the doorstep of her cozy cottage, a warm smile on her face. "Ah, my dear, you're off at last!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. "Remember, the world out there is full of wonder, but also full of danger. Always keep your wits about you, and never forget where you come from."
Aurelia nodded, her eyes prickling with tears. She hugged Mrs. Gloria tightly, breathing in the scent of lavender and old books.

"I'll miss you so much," she whispered. She held onto her lifeline terrified of actually letting go, but she was a big girl now and must let go.

As she turned to leave, Aurelia noticed a small, intricately carved wooden box on the doorstep. Mrs. Gloria gestured towards it. "For you, my dear girl. A parting gift. Open it when you need guidance or comfort."

Aurelia picked up the box, running her fingers over the delicate patterns. It felt heavy with secrets and promise. With one last wave to her beloved Mrs. Gloria, she set off toward the unknown, her heart pounding with excitement and a hint of fear.

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