Chapter Twenty Eight

Começar do início

"Were you gonna do it?" I asked.

"Hell no" was his immediate response and then he let out a sigh as he realized why I had asked that.

"Don't worry. It was too small to do any actual harm. It may have been a baby" I said in an attempt to soothe Ares' nerves but for some reason he tensed up instead.

"B-Baby..." he muttered with a horror filled look on his face.

Little did I know that my words of encouragement just seemed to instill even more fear into Ares' heart then there originally was.

After a shower and brushing my teeth, I headed downstairs for some breakfast. Everyone was eating except for Lucas who still had yet to come down even though Roman had went up to go and get him.

I had finished before everyone else so I decided to go bring Lucas his food since it was clear that he didn't have any intentions on coming down. It was strange since Lucas never missed a meal.

"Lucas?" I called as I balanced his plate one hand and knocked with my free one. A low groan was all I got in response so I opened up the door.

"Lucas, I brought your food..." I said and upon walking closer, I grew concerned when I heard the shallow breaths coming from Lucas. His body was covered underneath his covers so I couldn't see his face as I drew closer.

I put his food down on the stand before pulling back the covers a bit and the wave of heat that hit me alarmed me greatly.

Lucas' face was flushed red and a thick layer of sweat coated his entire body. I could see that he also seemed to be shivering even though he was under his covers which were pretty thick.

I quickly ran downstairs to alert one of my brothers and since Kade was the first person I saw, I ran up to him and tugged on his shirt.

"Honey? What's wrong?" Kade asked looking down at me who was slightly planting from the run.

"Lucas is sick!" I exclaimed as I pointed in the direction of his room. I didn't bother to explain anymore before grabbing Kade's arm and dragging him up the stairs to Lucas' room.

When we got there Kade had reseted his hand on Lucas' forehead and frowned at the surely hot feeling he was getting.

"Ceres, go get some cool water and a cloth" Kade said and I nodded before running downstairs and getting the things he asked. When I finished getting them I walked carefully back to the room and when I went in, I saw Kade was trying to take Lucas' temperature with a thermometer.

"Thank you" Kade said as I put the bowl of water and cloth next to him. I nodded and watched patiently as Kade tended to Lucas.

I couldn't help but worry whenever I saw a sick person. I had seen it a couple of times in those doctor shows that Lucas likes to watch where a person got sick and seemed fine but would end up dying from the sickness. It was so scary and that's why I panicked earlier when seeing him like that.

"Is he alright...?" I asked and Kade nodded.

"I'm no doctor but his temperature is only 101°F. He should be fine with some medicine and bed rest" Kade said as he stood up and I stayed sitting while observing Lucas.

His breathing was still shallow and even though Kade had applied the cool cloth, Lucas seemed to be sweating right through it.

"Come on, Honey. We have to let him rest" Kade said and I shook my head.

"I'll be quiet...I just want to make sure he's really alright" I muttered.

"I know you want him to get better, but if you got sick in the process that wouldn't be good. You can change his cloth later, that way you'll be able to check on him" Kade said and I sighed before nodding and reluctantly following Kade out of the room.

Family MattersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora