44- Thanksgiving

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Another double update!! Please point out typos :)


I was released from the hospital the next day and I practically stayed in bed until today, which also happened to be Thanksgiving. The whole bed rest idea was strictly my father's idea. I think it was his way of grounding me and it oddly worked, considering I was bored out of my mind.

But today, our family was coming over to spend the rest of the weekend with us. I was excited about the change of scenery. Bed rest was sooo boring.

My grandparent's from my mom's side were coming, along with my aunt and her children.

I was so excited to see my cousins after so long. One was a girl a year younger than me. Her name's Sara and we used to be super close during our childhood. We still talked here and there, but nothing was the same when they moved to Seattle years ago. She also had a brother, Sam. He was a year older, so a senior in high school. It was funny because the four of us are each in a grade of highschool.

Anyway, I was super excited to see them.

I anxiously picked at my nails as we waited. We were all sitting in the living room, waiting for our guests.

The doorbell chimed and we all looked at each other before running to the door. Justin reached first and stuck his tongue out at us before swinging the door opened.

We tried not to act disappointed when it was just my grandparents.

Obviously, I was excited for them as well, but I was expecting to see Sam and Sara.

"Papa! Gigi!" I squealed once I remembered my manners, pushing Justin out of the way and giving them a hug. They laughed and hugged me back. My grandma made a comment about me being too skinny and my grandpa told me I was perfectly fine.

They moved on to Justin, then my parents.

"Let me show you your room," my mom grinned before leading them upstairs.

"Um, hello? What, we aren't even gonna get a proper introduction?"

Our heads whipped toward Sam, who was standing at the doorway. He outstretched his arms for a hug and I ran right past him toward Sara, who was helping her parents unload their car.

"Sara," I squealed as a warning before tackling her. She giggled as I nearly pulled her down. Then she turned in my arms and hugged me back. I pulled away and held her at arms' length. "Oh my gosh, you got prettier!"

"Says you!" she snorted, taking a good look at my face.

I scrunched my nose before stalking over to my aunt and uncle, who watched us with amusement.

"Hey auntie, hey uncle," I grinned, pulling each of them in for a hug. My dad came outside to help them unpack and I dragged their daughter inside.

"So, you crashing in my room or a guest room?" I asked, slinging my good arm around her shoulder.

"Your room, obviously," she wiggled her brows. I hadn't expected anything less. We reached both of our brothers. Sam looked pissed at me, but Sara went to hug my brother.

I held out my arms for a hug but he made a disgusted face. "You missed your chance, ugly," he said, pointedly jutting out his chin. I rolled my eyes and hugged him anyway. His arms eventually tightened around me and I smiled, knowing he'd cave.

Hearing all the commotion, my grandparents came back downstairs to meet their other grandkids. After all the introductions were made, I showed Sam where he'd be staying and I helped Sara put her stuff in my room.

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