11- After the After Party

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Hangovers are never fun. When I woke up with a pounding headache and a house to clean, I knew I was going to have a bad day. 

I forced myself out of bed and into my en-suite, brushing my teeth. My hair was tangled, presumably from my drunk shower last night. I didn't really brush it out or even dry it properly. 

Sighing, I grabbed my hair tie and put it up in a bun on top of my head. When I left my bedroom, I was surprised to smell breakfast floating through the air. Confused, I followed the smell all the way to the kitchen.

"Hey sleepyhead," Dylan grinned, getting up from his chair and pulling me in for a hug. I looked around the kitchen to see my friends relaxing. 

Then I looked at the stove and say Dean was the one doing the cooking. I gave a wary look to Dylan, who shrugged in response. I hadn't expected him to stay the night, let alone cook for everyone.

I turned to Jaz, who was tapping on her phone. "Where were you last night?"

She looked up and smiled. "I was around. I definitely saw you." The look in her eyes proved I did something dumb. "I have to say, interesting choice of lingerie to go swimming in." I groaned as my face turned red. I completely forgot I went swimming in my underwear. 

"Aw man, Wilks was naked? And I missed it?" Will groaned. I rolled my eyes and Jaz smacked him on the back of the head. 

I took a seat at our large dining table. A plate of bacon and eggs was placed in front of me. I looked up to see Dean's retreating figure, probably making more food.

"I had a great time last night," Dylan pointed out, grabbing a piece of bacon from my plate. "I had this really hot blond... but you know, I kept picturing you," he teased.

I gagged and smacked his arm. "Don't even joke about that Dyl." 

"Man, I missed it, but I heard you got rowdy on the coffee table? Didn't realize my best friend was one step away from becoming a pole dancer." He put his arm on the back of my chair and snuck another piece of bacon. 

"Do you guys not get drunk anymore? Gosh, stay out of my business," I complained. Dean came back with a plate of bacon and a separate pan containing eggs. Everyone reached in and started serving themselves. I absentmindedly chewed on my bacon.

When breakfast was over, I piled all the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and started it. Then, I turned back to face my friends. "So, I'm assuming you're all here for cleanup duty?" 

The cons of owning a big house included having to clean more. I restricted as many rooms as I could last night, but we still had a lot of ground to cover.

Everyone unanimously groaned, but I knew that's why they were here. 

"Love you all!" I smiled sweetly. "Okay, uh, Will and Emma, take care of the living room. Dean and Jaz, do all the unlocked rooms on the first floor, and Dylan and I will start with the guest rooms." I had to wash a lot of sheets today. Lord knows what people were doing in the empty rooms.

I handed each pair a large trash bag and kept the extra stock in the kitchen if they needed it. Then, we began working. I blasted music through our speaker system to up the morale. 

"So..." I trailed, pulling off the sheets of a bed while Dylan held open a trash bag. "Did Drew happen to say anything about me?"

"Kinda. He asked why you weren't at the game and then I reminded him about the party. He also asked me at lunch if you and Dean were really dating."

A small smile played at my lips. "He talked to me last night."

"What'd he say?"

"Oh, just something about trying harder? I don't know, my mind was pretty foggy." My heart sped up just thinking about how close we were last night. 

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