6- Detention & Diners

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My stomach lurched when I realized I wouldn't be going home after school. 

The dismissal bell rang and students piled out of class, excitedly ready to go home. I, on the other hand, had to go to the detention hall. 

My parents were going to kill me. 

And Andrew... I wouldn't even get the chance to see him. 

That reminded me, I had to text Justin so he'd expect the visitor. He just replied with a one-letter response and I rolled my eyes.

I gulped as the hallways emptied. The classroom it - I couldn't even say the word - was held in was at the end of the hall. I stood there anxiously. The door mocked me, telling me I was ruining my life.

I bit my lip and pushed it open. A couple of students were already there, lazing around or working on homework. My eyes scanned the room and noticed the teacher inside.

"Ms. Wilks," Mr. Cullen said, surprise laced in his tone. "I didn't expect to see you here." The door behind me opened again and in walked Dean. He nodded at me and took a seat in the back of class. "Ah, explains it," my English teacher said under his breath.

I furrowed my brows as I looked back at him, confused as to what he meant. A small smile played at his lips, and it showed no matter how hard he tried to hide it. 

My face went red when I figured out what he meant. He probably assumed Dean was the sole reason I was there, and it was true. I mentally cringed thinking about all the stuff I wrote about him in my journal.

"Don't worry, I'm an easy teacher," he reassured me. "Who knows, I might even leave the classroom halfway through and not come back." He winked at me before taking a seat at the desk. 

I hid my smile as I sat down near the front of the class, away from Dean. As I pulled out my day's homework, a chair scraped across the floor and pulled close to me. I gave Dean a glare before looking at Mr. Cullen helplessly. He smiled and shook his head, showcasing his young features.

Stop taking joy in my misery, I thought in exasperation.

"Fancy seeing you here," Dean grinned, slouching in his chair. 

"Shut up," I mumbled, looking at my calculus worksheet. Our review from last year was over and today we learned our first real calculus topic. The words swirled on the paper, giving me a headache.

He swiped the paper off my desk and looked it over. "That's not very nice of you," he pointed out. I rolled my eyes but made no attempt to grab it. I'd do anything to stay away from calc for as long as possible.

"You made me get detention! Do you understand how that's gonna look to colleges?"

He scoffed and leaned in closer. "Arabella, breaking a teacher's rule doesn't go on your permanent record. Breaking a school rule? Yes. But you're fine."

I furrowed my brows with this new knowledge. Then why did he do that to me? And why did he risk getting detention too? His would definitely go on his record, considering he cursed at a teacher. 

Ignoring the questions, and Dean, I stared straight ahead at Mr. Cullen. He had his nose buried in a book, so he wasn't paying attention. I couldn't help but stare at his defined face. He looked young, maybe straight out of college. His brown hair waved over the left side of his face. He had no facial hair, but I doubt with would hinder his handsomeness if he chose to grow it out. 

His dark green eyes met mine and I didn't even care that I was shamelessly staring at him. Instead, I shot him another look of helplessness. 

The classroom door opened and Andrew snuck in. He looked relieved when he saw Mr. Cullen was the head today. 

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