18- The One Where It All Goes Down

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I was on cloud nine. 

Okay, not yet, but I was reaching it, I swear. 

It was Friday, the day of the homecoming game. It has been two days since Andrew Boyce, my neighbor and childhood crush, asked me to homecoming. I had been anticipating this day since he moved next door. 

And in between those two days, he was unbelievably sweet. We'd walk to class together after lunch and his hand would graze mine, as if he was nervous to grab it.

It was adorable.

I definitely got some stares though, especially from the cheerleaders. I didn't blame them. I used to be one of them. I'd watch from afar and give the girls death stares when they were together. 

But it was finally my turn.

My friends had different opinions though. Emma was super supportive, even though she was hurting. Both Dylan and Jaz were faking their happiness. After being friends for years, I could see right through them. I didn't want to ask why. Will seemed a little down, and Dean acted pissed. I didn't blame him though. It's not fair that my end of the deal worked and his fell through. But, what else could I do? I knew Jaz would never go for him.

Overall, it was blissful. 

I walked with him to the field, where Coach was giving drills. I couldn't stay long, because spectators weren't allowed. We walked slowly, but eventually arrived at the bleachers. He gave me a breath-taking smile and kissed me on the forehead before going to join his teammates. I stood still, in denial this could even be real. 

My head tingled where his lips lingered. I bit back my smile as I walked to my car. As soon as the door shut behind me, I squealed in excitement.

There was no way this was happening.

I didn't even try to contain my happiness as I drove home. My dad looked amused when I couldn't stop smiling. He just shook his head and let me in, softly laughing behind me.

Upstairs in my room, I searched my closet for the perfect outfit tonight. The game was super important, considering it was Justin's first time playing. It was an exciting week for both of us. 

The nights were starting to cool down. I decided on a pair of washed jeans and a school shirt, paired with a black windbreaker. I set the outfit on my couch and slipped into bed. There was a long night ahead of us, and I needed a nice, long nap to prepare. 

A soft knock came from my door. I sat up in bed and yelled "come in" before rubbing my eyes. My mom entered, giving me a warm smile. She sat on the edge of the bed, staring at me.

"Can you believe Justin is playing tonight?" I grinned. Both my parents were coming tonight, and I knew my dad was secretly ecstatic. He had been waiting for this moment since he had kids. 

My mom scoot closer until we were right next to each other. She pulled me into a hug, and I wrapped my arms around her. "Are you happy?" She asked out of the blue.

"Yeah? Why?" 

She pulled away, but her smile was no longer warm. It had hints of sadness. "You're such a young girl, you have your entire life ahead of you. I know sometimes things may seem like a good idea, but they're not always what's best for you."

I nodded, pretending to understand what she said. In reality, I had no idea. Mom always gave these cryptic messages, and I learned it's best to just smile and nod.

"How do you think Justin's going to do?" She switched the topic.

I laughed. "Um, let's just say I'm not betting any money on him."

Unexpected | ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora