43- Goodbye I guess

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My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was blinding white, so I closed them again.

Slowly, my senses were coming back to me. The constant beeping of a machine could be heard, along with a television quietly playing. I became aware of my body, and the uncomfortable sensations in my arms. There was a strong smell of disinfectant.

I tried opening my eyes again, slowly this time. A bright white room came into focus. A hospital room.

"Bella? You're awake!" A hand tightened around my own and I slowly turned my head to see Dylan sitting by my side. "Oh gosh! Jaz, call the nurse!"

My eyes snapped to the brunette. She looked just as happy as tears welled in her eyes. She eagerly nodded and ran outside the room.

"What happened?" I croaked. My throat was super dry. Dylan noticed and handed me a cup with a straw. I sipped on the water, unable to move my arms. When I was finished, I gratefully smiled at him.

"Your mom's downstairs grabbing some food and your dad is arguing with the police outside."

"Police?" I squeaked. All of the previous events came rushing back to me. Dean. The park. The fact that I got freaking shot.

"Yeah, I mean you were shot. They want a statement," Dylan replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Panic coursed through me. What was I supposed to say? I wasn't about to admit I was caught up in a gang shootout. That would lead to way more questioning.

As if he sensed my panic, he said, "It's okay, your dad is telling them to wait until you're okay." I gratefully nodded and relaxed back into the bed.

I wanted to ask him about Dean, but the nurse came in, followed by Jaz and my mom. Mom immediately engulfed me in a gentle hug, tears brimming her eyes.

"My baby! Don't ever scare me like that," she cried, then pulled away.

The nurse had to check my vitals and such, so they all gave her room to do it. The only reason my mom didn't go full-on into the questioning mode was because she was a doctor, so she knew how annoying parents could get.

The nurse took her time, as if she knew I was in deep shit and was saving me. I felt super grateful for her.

Eventually, she had to leave though.

My dad barged into the room as she left and ran for a hug. I winced at the pressure and he loosened up with a sheepish smile, muttering an apology.

The police were awkwardly lingering by the entrance. My dad shot them a glare but they ignored it. "Ms. Wilks, if you don't mind, we just need a statement from you."

I nodded, giving them permission to come in. It was one man and a woman, both decked up in complete cop uniforms. Everyone else stood at the back of the room, listening in. Jaz grabbed Dylan's arm and nodded toward the door, both escaping.

"Do you mind telling me what happened the night of the tenth?" the woman asked, a writing pad in her hand.

"Yeah," I gulped, ready to spit out a lie. "So it was around eleven at night and I was just going for a drive to clear my head. I parked and headed to Beachwood Park to just chill." I looked over at my parents. "I know it was stupid but I needed to get out of the house." I redirected my attention to the cops. "Anyway, when I got there, I was just sitting at the bench when out of nowhere I heard a gunshot. Then, my arm exploded with pain."

Only half true.

"Did you get a good look at the shooter?" the man asked this time.

I shook my head. "No, they ran away. They had a mask over their face, but I think it was a man based on the build."

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