32- Bipolar

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When I woke up, I was alone. There was no trace of Dean anywhere and I began to doubt he was even here. Maybe I'd dreamt of the whole thing?

I frowned as I sat up, looking around the room. There was a slight chance he was around, lingering here and there.

Without missing a beat, I crawled out of bed and went into the bathroom. Empty. I took two stairs at a time, peering into the living room, then the kitchen. 

All empty.

So he left? That was it?

Was he even here in the first place or did I imagine it all? If that was the case, how pathetic! Did I really dream of being a damsel in distress and having him rescue me?

I looked down at my bandaged hand and realized it was all real. He came and fixed me up. I smiled as I pulled my hand to my chest.

"Crap!" I mumbled to no one in particular. I had to get ready for school!

I brewed myself a cup of coffee and sipped on it as I gathered my belongings. It was weird to scramble around without Justin but I'm guessing I had to get used to it.

I skipped my daily vibe time to meet up with Jasmine. I really needed a friend to ramble to, even if she'd sent dumb comments toward my way. 

Her brown hair could be spotted from a mile away. I quickly skipped over to her, eager to talk. I tugged her ponytail and she turned around, ready to slap the culprit. When she saw it was only me, she relaxed.

"Hello chica," she grinned, pulling me into a hug. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I just feel like we haven't talked in a million years."

She nodded in agreement, leaning against the lockers. "Very true, which is why we should have that sleepover soon. Me you and Dylan?"

I disappointedly nodded. I wanted to rant now, not later. "Sure, this weekend?"

"Perfect." Her eyes flickered to someone and tensed. "Since when is your boyfriend dating my girlfriend?"

I furrowed my brows and follower her lead. Dean and Taylor were against the lockers making out. My eyes widened and I quickly turned back around.

"He's not my boyfriend she's not your girlfriend," I said rather harshly. Yes, I was jealous. Super freaking jealous.

"I know, but it's fun to imagine, right?" She smiled sadly, averting her gaze from them. "I have to say, it's an interesting pairing."

"I mean this in the nicest way possible, but Taylor sleeps with every guy and it was only time before he did the same. It was bound to happen." 

She snorted and linked her arm in mine. "Truly."

We made our way to English, skillfully avoiding the pair. I breathed a sigh of relief as we sat down, happy to be away from that.

"At least you still have Reece," Jaz dreamily sighed. For someone who was a lesbian, she surely was boy crazy.

My stomach twisted at his name. Dean said he was here to take him back to the gang stuff. He was using me to get to him.

"Hey, Jaz? Does Reece look dangerous in any way?"

"Dangerously yummy," she winked with a dazed smile. I smacked her arm, forcing her to be serious. "Uh, I don't know. He seems like a regular guy?"

I nodded and leaned back, chewing on my pencil. 

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