20- Feelings? Gross!

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This thing I had going on with Dean was weird. I no longer knew where we stood. Sometimes he'd hold my hand in the hallway, but other times, we'd act like friends. Sometimes he was just extra annoying. I just wasn't really sure if this fake dating was still going on. A part of me was scared because I didn't want it to end. 

Weird, right?

"So, yeah. Conclusion: Drew is an asshole and I hate him," I finished my rant to Mr. Cullen. After all, I had to catch him up to speed. 

"Bella! Did you just curse?" he gasped. I was starting to curse more and more as time went on. It was a bad habit, but one I couldn't break. 

I quickly changed the topic. "You know what's so weird? When we had our home ec worksheet weeks ago, Dean told me he had no siblings. Then, at homecoming, he told me he borrowed his brother's car. Isn't that weird?"

"Maybe he lied?" he suggested, his eyes never leaving the page of his book. 

"About the car or the brother?" I asked rhetorically. "Whatever. I can't believe I ended up going. Did you see Drew's face? His nose is going to be crooked for the rest of his life."

Mr. Cullen put his book down and looked at me, amused. I sighed and looked at the floor before confessing a secret I've been holding in. Why I was telling him, I had no idea.

"I think I like Dean," I mumbled, feeling weird admitting that out loud for the first time.

He nodded thoughtfully. "I do too. He's a good kid."

I gave him an exasperated look. "That's not what I mean... but you knew that, didn't you?" The realization hit as his smirk grew. "Okay, fine, call me a hypocrite." 

"Bella, I'm going to tell you something that's going to blow your mind, okay?" I nodded and anticipated his answer. "Remember that day I called in Dean and Andrew to help out? I did that on purpose. I could sense something weird between the three of you." 

I furrowed my brows. "No, that doesn't make sense though. I liked Drew. Dean had nothing to do with that. I didn't even realize I liked him until five seconds ago..."

He made a face. "Oh. Well, nevermind then." 

Something was up. 

"Besides, I'm not even sure if I like him. It could just be that I'm trying to rebound from Drew, right? Or maybe it's the fact that it's the most affection I've gotten from a boy?" I tried to logic my way out of this. "Yeah, that sounds right. Dean is so..."


"Annoying," I lied. Well, he was annoying, but it was starting to grow on me. 

I didn't want to face the reality of it all. I slowly started falling for Dean way before the stuff with Drew happened. When he was sweet to me, all the dislike I had for him just faded. He did stuff that no one else did. He saw things that no one else could see. 

"It doesn't matter anyway. He keeps reminding me that he only like Jaz," I decided.

"Jaz? Really?" Mr. Cullen snickered. "Interesting..."

I shook my head and refocused on the paper in front of me. "I just think-"

"Bella, I am begging you. I'm trying to finish this book and I can't if you keep blabbering. Do your homework."

I groaned and attempted to try again. There was a reason I was venting to Mr. Cullen instead of working. It was calculus, my worst subject. I hated this stupid class and derivatives. 

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