[Chapter Twenty-Nine]

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Not even a minute after I sent her a text I was getting a call from Alexis demanding to know what happened and I let it all out. I was furious as I paced around the locker room and told her everything that happened.

I was yelling and crying and laughing at her threats against him as I ranted and once I started I couldn't stop, I felt like if I didn't get out to her what just happened then I would just burst. By the time I was done telling her she was fucking furious and ready to brave this storm and come knock him out.

She was even more livid than I was at this point and I felt the need to go for a run or box or something to try to get myself to calm down, I needed to calm down.

"I don't give a shit if you come out of that school in love and ask a cop to marry you, I'm going to kick his ass as soon as I see him and I don't care who sees, who calls the cops, if I get suspended of if I break bones, he's going down." Maybe I shouldn't have told her, I'm angry now but I don't want him hurt.

"Lex you can't"

"I'm not asking your permission, I'm telling you what I'm going to do." she was calm again, calm was scary, I'm glad I'm not Mason right now. Wait, I wish I was because then I would be home and not stuck with this asshole!

"Lex." I sighed

"Mas and I are always here for you, right Mason?" she changed the subject

"Hell yeah, you kept Lucy and I a family and took us in, I can never repay you for what you've done for us." He told me and I wanted to cry, that was so sweet.

"You're like the brother I never had" I told him

"And you're like the older sister I never had" he said back making me crack a smile

 "I love you two" I told them and I meant it, I don't know where I would be without my family.

 "Yeah, how's your heart feeling?" she asked softly.

"What do you mean?" I played stupid; I knew damn well what she meant.

"Don't pull that shit with me missy, you know what I fucking mean" she said and I groaned, I didn't want to talk about it, it was easier to be angry than to deal with how his words made me feel.

"It's quite broken" I told her honestly

"I'm going to break something of his." She threatened "I'm so sorry babe." She told me, I hated pity.

"I got to go, I'm hungry. I didn't have lunch" I said, I needed her but now I just wanted to be alone, everything set in and I felt horrible inside.

"Okay, call me if you need me babe, I'll tell mom and dad what happened, I know you don't want to go through it again right now"

"Thank you" I whispered

"Love you babe"

"Love you more" I told her before hanging up.

I sat there and cried for what felt like an hour before I finally pulled myself together and got up to go make dinner. I know it's only five, but I figured I would make something later if I wanted too, but right now I was really hungry. I wanted to let him starve, but I knew that I would still make him dinner too.

I walked into the foods room and went to the storage closet and pulled out noodles, canned sauce, mean, onion, tomato and mushroom. Damon walked in and I didn't even give him a second glance.

I chopped the onion and cooked the meat with it, while boiling noodles. I drained it and added mushroom and tomato. I let the sauce heat up and when it was almost done I set two tables and poured milk. I dished up the food and set his down and then walked across the room and sat as far as I could from him to eat my dinner.

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