[Chapter Twenty-Five]

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Chapter Twenty-Five

I'm stuck with him for a week. How the hell am I going to spend a week with him without him knowing the truth, what in the world am I going to do with nothing but him for company.

My phone vibrated and I opened the text

If he doesn't know by the time you leave that school, I'm going to tell him myself, I swear I will Arianna, time to grow up and tell him the truth.

I glared at my phone, of course she would have to say that, I didn't need that shit from her right now, doesn't she see the problem I'm stuck in! Is this the universes way of payback? I glared at it until someone cleared their throat making me jump again, forgot he was here.

He looked freezing and absolutely miserable, his jeans and hoodie were soaked all the way through and he was shivering.

"So, what's going on?" he was standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"They said it's safest to wait it out and since we're safe here it would be more dangerous for them to come get us." Well this was awkward, I don't know if it was for both of us but it certainly was for me.

"Great, of all the people to be stuck with, I get stuck with a spoilt princess" I don't think I was actually meant to hear that but is he freaking kissing me?

"Excuse me, what the hell did you just say?" I was kind of pissed off now, okay I was really hormonal and pissed off, I go from zero to a million in a micro-second.

"I said 'Great, of all the people to be stuck with, I get stuck with a spoiled princess' are you deaf?" he came closer to me and I made a fist so I wouldn't slap him, I really wanted to slap him.

"And what the hell is your problem this time? What is it that I have done to offend you, Damon, enlighten me!"  I can't keep a handle on these emotions to save my damn life, it's so frustrating.

 "Oh that's right, I'm the one with the problem, because we can't all be as perfect as Arianna Hope!" he scoffed and I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose trying to keep a handle on my emotions, I wanted to hit him.

"Can you go a whole day without being a complete prick?" I asked him in annoyance

 "I'll try, maybe I'll go start an orphanage so people will like me, or get a teacher wrapped around my finger so I can pass at the top of my class." I couldn't help it, I laughed. I mean is he being serious? Is he this petty?

"Maybe you should spend less time bitching and demeaning good people, and more time studying and actually trying to be a good person" he just attacks and attacks, there's only so much I can take of it.

"Maybe I'll just use mommy and daddy's money to get ahead" he said Deep breath Arianna, do not sink to his level. I closed my eyes and counted to ten while taking deep breaths. If I get myself too worked up and stressed out, I'm going to get sick, literally.

"What exactly is your problem with me, Damon? You know nothing about me" I spoke calmly, getting angry wasn't going to do any good to us because then we'll just be yelling and screaming and making things worse and we have to live with each other until this thing passes and I have to tell him so I would rather us try to be civil.

I really wanted to say a massive about of curse words then hit him with a frying pan so he would be knocked out and I wouldn't have to deal with him.

"My problem is you put on this whole perfect act! You get people wrapped around your finger to do whatever you want; perfect grades, favors, a new library, you get anything you want and you use people to get it. One call to mom and dad and princess gets anything!" is that really what he thinks of me?

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