[Chapter Twelve]

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Chapter Twelve

Saturday was the day from hell. It was hectic and I just couldn’t handle it and I started crying in frustration a few hours before it all started

“Baby, go upstairs and relax and get ready, your father and I will finish everything from here” and I just nodded and went upstairs with Alexis.

I filled a bubble bath and Alexis and I both got in. it wasn’t weird for us, and I think this tub could fit like five people, so we had a lot of room.

“How are you holding up?” she asked

“Not well. It’s just really stressful and when it gets bad, I throw up more and I’m tired all the time.” I had things to do, I didn’t want to be tired

“I’m sorry, I wish I could help”

“You do Lex, every day, just being with me you take part of my stress away and make me feel better”

“I’ll always be here for you.” She smiled at me

“Thanks” I grabbed the remote and turned on the radio and we just sat there relaxing until the water went cold twice.

When we got out, we had about two hours left to get ready.

“I picked out dresses, and I’ll do your hair too” Alexis said pointing to a green dress on my bed, it was beautiful. Alexis had the perfect purple to go with my green.

They were knee length, hers was strapless and mine had one strap. Alexis dress was more out there like her, and mine was simple and beautiful.

I blow dried my hair while Alexis worked on styling the blonde wig, and then she blow dried her hair and left it wavy falling down to her middle back, and pulled it to the side like my wig was.

Alexis did our make up in the same color, green and purple to match both our dresses, mine was darker and more dramatic, sparkly and out there, while she stayed with simple.

And I realized this purple and green theme continued. She wore green heels the same color as my dress, and mine were the same purple along with the chunky bracelets and necklaces and the earrings.

The two of us together made the perfect pair, and looking in the mirror, it was quite amusing. We had the same everything except the dress and make up.

“Lex, how long did it take to match everything?” I asked laughing, we looked like we could be twins if I wasn’t so white and she wasn’t part Asian.

“Only a few weeks!” she smiled back and she held out her arm for me to take “Shall we?” she asked

I grabbed her arm “We shall!” I smiled back and we walked down the stairs and drove to the venue together.

Once we arrived and she parked, she grabbed my arm and looked at me with a smile “You’ll be fine” she knew I’d be freaking out about this.

“If not, I have you. Now let’s do this!” and we walked into the building like we owned the place.

I went and found my parents first before walking around with Alexis greeting all the guests, well not all there were so many, but as many as I could, my mom made me memorize who was who, so it wasn’t so bad, until I couldn’t avoid greeting the Parkers any longer

“It’ll be okay, he wouldn’t dare pull anything in front of his parents, and if he did, I’ll hit him” she concluded like it was nothing, but I guess to her, it wasn’t. 

So I put the best smile I could on my face and told Alexis to do the same

“Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Thank you for coming, it’s wonderful to see you.” I shook both their hands “This is my best friend Alexis Rodriguez” I introduced Alexis.

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