[Chapter Seventeen]

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Chapter Seventeen

I ignored Mason’s questions through photography and after class I went to find Alexis so we could spy on the boys to see how Mason handled his kidnapping.

We watched them walk to Damon’s car that was a couple away from us and Mason looked relaxed with him, so far.

“So, where are we going?” Mason asked him when he got to the passenger side.

“Shopping, I heard you had a hot date” Damon smirked at him he looked around the parking lot and his eyes met me and he gave me an unamused look

“Arianna! I do not-”

“Hey, what did I tell you yesterday; don’t argue with a girl like me. I’m stubborn right now so just go and have some fun. You’re not getting teeth pulled.” I said and he looked at us and got in the car sulking.

“Smart man, I know how to pick them” Alexis said before I decided to tease her relentlessly about her date with Mason, which didn’t work so well since she decided to do the same about my lunch with Damon, though I wouldn’t tell her he called it a date, that would just be giving her leverage in this.

We decided to spend some time with the animals before going to pick up Lucy and it was a great time, Lucy was having fun and she didn’t complain at all about all the stores we went to as I got her some other clothes as well. 

It was the best shopping day I’ve had in a long time.

We found Alexis a beautiful dress that was nice but it wasn’t still and over the top. It was like a light pink, almost white with a slight sleeve and floral print that went just above her knees, and looked amazing on her, but she was gorgeous, anything looked amazing on her.

For Lucy, we found her a bright pink dress with multi colored floral prints, the blue in it matched her eyes making her even cuter, if that’s even possible. 

And for mine, Alexis and I always liked to match, so mine was the same as hers but mine was a really light purple instead.

We found outfits pretty quick, surprisingly. As we shopped we realized that Halloween was next week. Alexis and I usually went to a house party, but this year I couldn’t go and she didn’t want to go without me so we were going to take Lucy trick or treating.

“Getting a head start on the mom thing?” she teased and I rolled my eyes, I was actually kind of sad I wouldn’t get my typical senior year but nothing about me was particularly typical. I never got that typical carefree and fun high school experience so I guess I’m not losing anything.

Lucy wanted to be a princess for Halloween, she was such a typical girl and I loved it, if I had a girl I wanted her to be as sweet as Lucy and after the costume we just kept shopping and ended up buying probably way too much.

We got Lucy new cloths. She got jeans, a couple skirts, another dress, books, shoes, two jackets, and hats and scarves. She didn’t have winter cloths and she was going through a growth spirt so her winter clothes from last year don’t fit her.

If we were taking them in I felt like it was our responsibility to get these things, we also took the kids in the orphanage shopping with a certain budget to get anything they needed a few times a year.

We went into some shops and got a bunch of props for the studio, they were ridiculous and out there. We, of course got boas, mustache’s, hats, costumes, and big glasses. We were going to go to the thrift shop later with Mason to get some other things as well to make it a fun space.

We were heading to the car when my phone rang and I groaned in frustration trying to get it out of my pocket, way too much stuff, of course it was Damon.

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