[Chapter Eleven]

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Chapter Eleven

I felt the bed dip on either side of me and my dad pulled me against his chest and my mom wrapped her arms around me in a very awkward but loving hug. “I’m so sorry” I whispered

“Arianna how did this happen” I couldn’t help it, I laughed

“How did I happen mom?” I asked. “I’m sorry, I know this is defiantly not a time to laugh” I stopped.

“When did this happen, I thought you weren’t interested in sex”

“Alexis brought me to a party and I went to lie down because I felt dizzy but someone else came in and.”

“He didn’t” my mom cut me off and I looked at her with wide eyes and shook my head.

“NO!” I cut her off instantly, I didn’t even think about that ever happening and I didn’t want to go there. “I couldn’t really walk so we laid down and watched a movie and he kissed me and well it just, here we are.” I finished awkwardly

I didn’t want to go into any detail in front of my dad, this was already awkward enough. My mom I wouldn’t mind talking to, but my dad, well he’s my dad and doesn’t need to hear these thing

“He was really sweet that night, about everything, and he likes Skye, but he and I don’t get along, if that makes sense” I told them and they looked confused so they changed the subject.

“How far are you?” mom asked, my dad had been very quiet.

“Tomorrow will be the start of eight weeks” Two months, I was two months pregnant.

“Arianna! How long have you known?” My dads’ voice startled me.

“I took the test last Friday at Alexis’s house. I was going to tell you sooner, but I just needed time to process it. And I figured if you guys kicked me out, that I would have the weekend to pull it together before school”

“Baby, we would never kick you out. Who’s the father” Dad spoke up asking the question I was dreading. But of course it would be the question a dad would want to know.

“I was originally going to say I didn’t know, but I can’t lie to you guys. I would rather keep it to myself for right now, until I tell him.” I said and my dad looked angry but my mom was trying to understand.

“Arianna, I want to know who this boy is now.” My dad said and I cringed

“But you know who his parents are” I mumbled “I don’t want it slipping out” my mom worked with his mom sometimes.

“We’re trying to be understanding, but we want to know.” Mom said and I sighed, they still said they loved me and that they were here and they were trying, they deserved to know everything, no secrets.

“His name is Damon. His parents are Natasha and Ralph Parker” I spilled and I didn’t like it, it made it just that more real, the more people I told the faster the realization that this was actually happening came.

My dad let out a deep breath and my mom took in one                                   

“Yeah, I know” I knew what was going through their mind

“You know their coming to the ball, right?” my mom asked cautiously

“What! Who invited them?” how could I face his parents! They didn’t know it but this was their grandchild inside me, it’s going to be so uncomfortable.

“I did. Damon, Natasha and Ralph are all going to be there” my mom said in that way that told you there was nothing you could do about it.

“Great, you guys are going to act all awkward around them now!” I flopped back in my bed and my parents lay beside me.

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