[Chapter Twenty-Two]

Start from the beginning

“Well I finally get you alone” he said and I looked at him and gave him the best and sweetest sad eyed puppy dog begging look.

“Damon” I said softly and smiled slightly making him cross his arms and give me a hard look.

“No” he immediately said

“Please, can you help me” I started pouting slightly

“Depends on what it is” he said cautiously dropping his defenses ever so slightly.

“Can you move the couches where I need them? You don’t have to do them all, just some.” I even threw in the sweet innocent sounding voice

“Why can’t you do it?”

“Secret but I’m not allowed. Please, just until the end of lunch, I was going to have them do it but you came in and they left.” He just stared at my looking conflicted

“Arianna” he started

“Please” I cut him off “Pretty please Damon” I grabbed his hand and tangled my fingers with his, he was breaking and I could see it. I would feel bad, but this is his fault, I was going to have the delivery people do it, and pay them, but he just had to show up, and now I need his help.

And on top of that, this is his kid too, it’s half his fault I can’t move the damn things myself.

“Fine.” He agreed and I smiled and kissed his cheek

“Thank you!” He sighed before starting the process of moving things where I wanted them. It wasn’t a bad view either. He took his jacket off and his arms flexed and his t-shirt tightening on them as he moved couches and I set up a bean bag corner, those I can move.

“Hey Lex, got the food?” I asked when I caught her walking in the door

“Yeah, didn’t know we would have company though.” She aid and Damon shrugged

“Would you like some food?” I asked Damon because I did feel a little bad for roping him into this

“Nah, I already ate.” He didn’t miss a beat as he moved them where I said they needed to be moved, not asking for direction once but remembering where I wanted them and by the end of lunch he had them all moved.

I was impressed.

“I’ll give you a minute.” She said and took the trash when the bell was about to ring, leaving us alone for a couple minutes.

“Thank you.” I said as he walked over to me and I handed him a bottle of water, he must be thirsty.

“No thank you kiss?” he asked playfully

“I don’t know, keep it up and people may get the wrong idea.” I teased and he leaned closer, putting a hand on either side of the table beside me

“I don’t care what people think.” he said and I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss, when I was about to pull away he put a hand on the back of my head and held my lips against his. His tongue slowly caressed mine and I wrapped my arms around him.

It was a great kiss but the guilt was eating me alive, he should know, I shouldn’t let him kiss me like this until he knows. He pulled back slowly and looked down at me and I just stared at him. I think he was as clueless to what was going on between us as I was.

The bell rang and neither of us moved for a minute.

“We should get to class.” I said softly and he nodded, his lips grazed mine again and this time when he went to pull away I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him harder, damn it what was I doing? He wrapped his arms around me and my mind went blank for a minute.

“Don’t make me get a bucket of ice water, break it up you two!” we both pulled back enough to look over at Alexis who looked very amused at the situation. We were both still wrapped up in each other and I slowly let go of him and he took a couple steps back and he cleared his throat to talk but decided against it and he sent me a smile before he left me alone with her.

“When I said I would give you a minute I didn’t mean try to make a twin on the desk.” My face flamed and I glared at her.

“Shut up.” I grabbed my bag and we started walking to my class so she could see Mason, I felt so used! I told her that all the time and she would hip bump me and laugh.

I gave them their cute couple time and went into the classroom; I admit I was a little jealous of them. Sure Damon and I made out and stuff but they weren’t afraid to admit they had feelings for each other and I wasn’t even sure he felt anything for me.

This whole situation was fucked up and slowly killing me inside. All have to do it get through the week and then I’ll know where we stand, that’s all I have to do. I’ve gotten through the past few; one more isn’t going to kill me.

During photography we went over the winter art show that would be coming up right after Christmas break. It was this big week long display of the art classes’ work. We had photography, graphic design, art, and ceramics that were there.

There were two for the whole school and the second one was when we neared summer and it was directly followed by the senior art show which made that time particularly stressful.

After the final bell we got in my car and went back to my place so that Mason could go to the shelter and Alexis could go to Hope. The skies looked angry but I wasn’t worried. It wouldn’t directly hit here so we more had to worry about flooding.

The last time a hurricane came near here I was stuck with my parents at home for a few days, we did lose power at the end but the generator covered it and we lit the fire to stay even warmer. It was actually fun being stuck with my parents last time, and I wouldn’t mind being stuck with them again; no work, school, or volunteering, just hanging out.

I headed to the hospital and the shift came and went quickly; they had me working with non-contagious patience so I didn’t have to worry about getting sick. I mostly stayed with the elderly patients recovering from surgery. I would read to them and listen to their stories.

They just really missed the company, most of them spent their time alone with nothing but doctors and nurses to warm their days, it was sad so we did our best to try to make it at least a little bit brighter.

When I got home Alexis scared the shit out of me when she was waiting for me on my bed with a grim expression making my heart drop.

“Just get it over with, what happened?” I asked not really knowing what to expect from her at this point, she knew I was going to be hurt and she was probably right.

“I was with Rachael at Hope today, she was walking home and she saw Lisa and Damon together, like together in the back of her car.” She said grimly and my stomach dropped.

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