You First Always Pt 3 (Finalé)

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A/N: Apologies for posting this late. I lost this account last year and was only able to retrieve it yesterday. Please read You First Always Parts 1 and 2 before you read this in order to remember the plot.


BREAKING NEWS: A female body was found dead around 6:00 AM near a bus stop. According to locals who found the body, the woman suffered from multiple stab wounds in different parts of the body. The woman which was suspected to be a university student was declared dead on arrival in the nearest emergency hospital. Current suspect of this murder is the serial killer that's been on the loose for the past few days.

"Oh my gosh, what's going on with people nowadays! Seriously? Killing an innocent person just like that? That girl must have a future ahead of her but now that's been taken away from her." I heard my mom gasped as she focus on the news broadcast streaming on the TV.

"That's right, hon. Now you know why I was being strict with our daughter last night. I was just concerned for your safety, Jen." My father took a glance at me to see my reaction but I was too busy fiddling with my phone in order to contact Lisa to even pay attention to either the news or my dad.

He cleared his throat in attempt to catch my attention but I just kept my head down. He waited for a few moments before he spoke once again, "I heard the victim was also a student from Jennie's school."

That's the time I finally raised my head and looked at him. "What?" I don't know why but my heart suddenly went out of its usual rhythm. I dont take it as a good sign though. It just occurred to me the possibility of Lisa being- fuck, I cant even finish. Its impossible. It can't be. . .

Get rid of such dreadful thouhts, Jennie Kim!

Lisa's safe. She just turned off her phone or maybe she blocked my number, she's mad at me for missing her calls that's why she hasn't been answering my texts and calls until now. Lisa never comes to school late so I know she'd be there by now sitting quietly at her desk. She's safe. She's safe. We're going to see each other at school and I'm gonna confront her about being my eye donor and I'm going to be finally honest not just to Lisa but also to myself. I still love her.

There's only one way to find out the truth.

I stood up from my place at the dining table and grabbed my bag. I bowed in front of my parents saying, "Mom, Dad, I'll go ahead. Off to school. Bye!" I rushed out the door before I heard my Mom shouted, "But Jen, you haven't even touched your food! Come back here, sweetie!"

I stopped in my tracks and turned towads them, "I'll just eat there, mom. Don't worry about me!" I waved my hand goodbye in their direction and then trudged the path towards my car.

I parked my car once I reached the school and ran all the way to our classroom. The moment I entered the room I can tell from the atmosphere alone that it was more than enough to confirm my dreadful suspicions. All around me, our classmates were either staring blankly or at least crying. Their sobs stopped when they heard me enter. I immediately spot Jisoo and Rosé and they pulled me into a tight lingering hug.

I don't need to hear it from their mouths to know the tragedy that descend upon my Lalisa. We all cried together not even able to utter any words for awhile. Our emotions simply took over and we let it all out.

Rosé was the first to wring herself out from the hug and looked me straight in the eyes, "Jennie, Lisa's gone. She was murdered."

I thought I'd be able to handle the truth but hearing someone said it in my face just hits differently. Tragically and painfully different.

[Three days later at Lisa's funeral]

I fixed the little wrinkles on the sides of my black dress and raised my dark glasses up my nose bridge before I stepped inside Lisa's funeral room where her body was put to rest while waiting for her burial.

I still can't believe everything that happened the past few days. It all happened too fast, almost like a blink of an eye. It's crazy how I was supposed to confess and get her back few days ago then the next thing I found out is she's dead, brutally murdered even.

Lisa doesn't deserve to die like this. She's supposed to live her life to the fullest. I want her to grow old with me. But now that's never gonna happen. I'm glad the serial killer was finally caught but no matter how we turn the world upside down Lisa will never go back to life, to me.

Fuck..I can see it.. the white casket.. and she's going to be inside it..

I clutched my chest so hard as I slowly walked in the center towards her with hot tears brimming and threatening to fall any time now. I finally reached her and at the same time my tears let go and streamed down my face. I did not even bother to wipe them because I was too focused on the sleeping girl inside the casket.

She looks so peaceful. If she wasn't in this white box she looks like she was just sleeping in her room after our usual cuddle nights when we were still together.

The memory brought a stinging pain to my heart and I clutched my chest even harder. This is my fault. . .

I've been thinking of it since she died. The what-ifs.. What if I didn't listen to my dad and instead looked for her the night before her death. Or what if I didn't give up my phone that time to mom. I clearly remember she called me around 2:30.. that must have been the time she was being assaulted. I bit my lower lip so hard I tasted my own blood on my tongue.

The realization alone that Lisa was still thinking of me even in her last moments felt like a strong punch in my gut. She saved me by giving me eyes but I couldn't even save her.


"JENNIE, STOP!!! Don't blame yourself. No one wanted this to happen." I looked down at the woman who hugged my waist and I saw Lisa's mom who was now also crying again.


She pulled out a small folded paper from her pocket and forced it to my palm. I stared at her in shock and asked, "W-what is this, Mrs. Manoban?"

"I saw this paper while I was cleaning up Lisa's room. It was addressed to you so I didn't open it and instead waited for you to come here so you could get it."

I looked down at the paper which has a tiny handwriting that was clearly Lisa's, it says,

To my beloved, Jennie Kim

I unfolded it and start to read Lisa's letter to me.

Dear my Jennie,

First of all, it kinda feels weird writing a letter just a few hours before losing my sight. This might be the last thing I'd be able to write using my pretty handwriting so I would like to offer my last to you of course.

If you ever read this, please don't feel any guilt or pity at all. I did not do this so you'd go back to me but I'm doing this because you hold a special place in my heart. I've accepted that we are over and you must've already stopped loving me even if I never stopped loving you.

Always remember I'd do anything just to see that wonderful gummy smile of yours once again. I can't bear to see you destroy your own life that's why I came to this decision.

See the world through my eyes, Jennie.

The eyes that only sees you.

So, please look after yourself and use it to live your life and achieve your dreams. I may not be there to actually 'watch' you succeed, but know that I'd always be here whenever you need me.




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