4 - CF

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Double POV for Spermsakamaynilisa
*i dont proofread so sorry if there are errors*


I flopped down to my bed as soon as I entered my room. I just got home from the airport. *tired*

I slightly closed my eyes and the events from half an hour ago played back.

When it seemed like GummyBaby has no plans of looking back, I started to also make my way back to our van. I saw my manager walking back and forth outside the vehicle.

"Jennie!! Where have you been? And what took you so long?! We almost called the police!" my manager said as I got near.

"I'm really sorry, oppa. I just.. got caught up in something."

But manager oppa wasnt listening, I saw his expression changed into something like terrified.

"What exactly happened to you, Jennie? You just went out of sight for less than an hour and now you return with bruises!" He immediately called the rest of the team and asked them for first aid kit.

"Ah, dont worry. I'm really fine. Caught up in something actually means I tripped on my way back here cuz its kinda dark." I explained while smiling.

"Is that all there is to it? You're not hiding anything else, are you?"

Oops. My manager is such a mind reader. But nope, he doesnt need to know about it.

"Nah, I really just tripped." I looked him straight in the eyes to make him believe. And boy! I could try being an actress cuz he nodded shortly after that.

"Okay, lets get you home to your dorm now. We'll treat those bruises on the way." He let me in the car first then closed it. Then we're off to the dorm.

And now back to the present. I'm just chilling in my room as I pulled my phone out and checked my recent airport photos.

Speaking of airport photos, I remember GummyBaby. She's most likely a fansite master of mine. Might as well try to check her out.

So, I typed GummyBaby in the search bar. Gumm-- oh wow an account with my photo on it popped out as top suggestion. Hmm, lets see.

Every time I see her, my heart beats madly.

Wow! That's a loooot of followers for a solo fansite. And her bio is also sooo sweet. I was thinking of uploading to my ig story the airport photos she took and give her a shoutout as thanks for saving me. But as I scrolled through her feed, I noticed that she hasnt uploaded my airport photos yet.

Maybe I should just DM her, since fans love it when their idols dm them ehe.

Uh, hi there, GummyBaby masternim. I know this is so random. me messaging you. But i rly just wanna thank you for saving my life back there. I owe you one. :)) P.S. i'm not sure if this is really you but.. i have a feeling that I'm right. =))
Sent 11:20 PM

Wew! That took me 5 minutes just to compose that message. Anyhoo, lets wait for her reply.

1 minute..
2 minutes..
3 minutes..
4 minutes..
5 minutes..

Still not seen. OKAAAAAAAY???

Wait! Is this real? I mean, not to sound conceited but isnt it normal for fans to reply right away when their idols dm them?

Aish. Why am I even waiting for her reply?!? I could be wrong. Maybe the GummyBaby who saved me and the GummyBaby my fansite master are not the same person.

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