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Another one shot for yall.


I look at the clock above the white board and checked the time "2:29 PM", I muttered irritatedly.

One minute left before our Biology professor dismiss us and I feel like this is the longest 1 minute of my life. I cant wait to run to the library and study with them. . .no, scratch that, I cant wait to run to the library to see her.

"Okay, that's it for today class. See you tomorrow."

I didn't even let the prof finish because I immediately stood up and rushed outside. I ran as fast as I can to the library and was already panting when I pushed the door open. I quickly left my bag at the bag counter and searched for them. I scan my eyes around the area and there I finally found her.

Lalisa Manoban.

My eyes moved to the guy laughing alongside with her.

Kim Taehyung.

I dont know why I still cant get used to it even if this is the sight that always greets me when I come here after Biology. I lowered my eyes because I cant stand watching them enjoying each other's company looking like two lovebirds in their own world not noticing the rest of us.

The three of us used to study together but now I feel like I'm a nuisance to them. Clearly, they dont need my presence. She doesnt want me anymore. I'm contemplating whether I should join them or not when a hand suddenly tapped my shoulder so I turned around only to see Jisoo knowingly smile at me.

"What a sight. They're a perfect visual couple, arent they?"

I snorted before replying "They're not a couple."

"Not yet."

"Your point is?" I said sarcastically.

"That should've been you, remember? That should've been you if you didn't tear her heart into pieces last year."

I let out a deep breath when she reminded me of my biggest lie last year. Lisa confessed to me  in public after her performance during the school festival but I rejected her and told her that I'm disgusted that she loves me.

"I know that. Dont think there was a single day I didnt dwell on the what ifs."

"You should let her go, you know. She's doing well with Taehyung. You sticking around with them doesnt let her move on." Jisoo said in a serious tone while staring at the two.

"I--I can't. I know I was wrong for lying to her and humiliating her but I love her Jisoo. I'm willing to stay even if she moves on with somebody else better than me. One who will be proud of her and make her feel the love she deserves."

"You're going to hurt yourself, Jennie."

"This is my punishment." I left Jisoo and started to walk towards their direction but also stopped few tables away from them.

I sit at an empty chair and lay down my books on the table. I can see them from here but the shelves keep me hidden from them. I let out a sad smile and blinked away the tears threatening to escape from my eyes.

"I'm happy that you're happier."

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