24 - Close to Me

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15 minutes earlier. . .

Its starting to get dark when the medics released me and finally allowed me to go home. I'm now back to normal as if I didn't get drowned earlier. My phone was turned off since the shoot started and I've got no plans to turn it on knowing fully well I'd be bombarded with messages and calls by my managers. I have more urgent and important things to do than to answer their questions. I need to find our promise ring.

I totally understand Kai's anger, that ring was not just an ordinary ring, it was an heirloom that gets passed down from generations to generations and it holds such sentimental value to their family. I cant imagine Kai breaking up with me because of this. This time, it'll be my fault. Just when he started to change himself for me, I screwed things over.

I quickened my steps to reach the main exit when I bumped into a person who's about to go out as well.

"Ouch!" I mouthed as I rubbed my arm. The person who bumped me turns out to be a girl but she's quite strong. The girl turned to me and she kinda looks familiar.

"Hey, Jennie! Uh, sorry I wasn't looking. I'm kind of in a hurry, but have you talked to Lisa yet?" the girl asked as she scratched her nape.

"No, its okay. You're.. Lisa's friend right? J-Jisoo, was it?"

"Yup, I'm Jisoo! So, you guys talked already?" Jisoo once again asks me about Lisa. This time, I gave a straight to the point answer.

"Ah, nope. I just came out of the hotel clinic. So I havent seen her. Why?"

All of a sudden, Jisoo facepalmed while shaking her head furiously. Then she let out a deep sigh. "Aish, are you kidding me, Jennie Kim? So you're telling me you're going out of this place without even thanking Lisa, the one who saved your life!"

I'm in complete utter shock at what I just heard. Pardon? Lisa saved me?! But it was Kai who saved me!! He gave me a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and he was the first one I saw when I opened my eyes. How could it be Lisa?

I tried to stick to what I know so I replied, "No, Jisoo.. Kai was the one who saved me, not Lisa. I saw him the moment I regained consciousness. He gave me air."

"Yeah, indeed Kai gave you the mouth-to-mouth thing but it was my best bud Lisa who saved your expensive ass when you didnt showed up after you dive. Your beloved boyfriend just stood there, frozen."

My mouth fell open and I dont know how to react. My mind is trying to take it all in. So, Lisa dived to save me.. for some reason I cant explain, it made my heart flutter. I mean, she's been ignoring me lately, so it makes me glad she's still concerned about me. I should thank her. Now.

"Where is she now, Jisoo?" I asked urgently.

Jisoo paused for a moment and grinned knowingly. "She's upstairs. At the shoot location, she seems to be looking for something."

I tilt my head to the side. What is she looking for? Did she lost something important too? I placed the thought at the back of my mind for now and focused on Jisoo again.

"Thanks, Jisoo!! I'm going there now." I stepped back inside the hotel and went straight to the elevators. I pressed the button that will lead me to the rooftop pool.

Upon arrival, I noticed a signage "DO NOT ENTER" outside the door. Jisoo said Lisa was still here but what's this thing doing? I have to make sure. Might as well look for the promise ring if Lisa really is not here.

I pushed open the door and walked slowly towards the pool. There I saw an almost naked lady rise from the water with her hand raising a familiar looking ring attached to a chain. . . I squint my eyes as I inched closer and cant help but gulp when I realize it was Lisa. She looks so freaking gorgeous with her hair dripping wet and those little drops of water slowly trickling down her toned body. I bit my lower lip as I take her all in.

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