9 - Why u cryin

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Saturday. 1PM.

Its the day of the presscon. I made a huge mistake last time telling J that Gummy will be present so I asked for my bestfriend, Jisoo, to be  GummyBaby and take J's photos for this event.

I'm now here sitting together with Jennie- and Kai beside her. I spotted Jisoo in the middle row, she's already busy snapping photos. I smiled and gave her a subtle thumbs up. Jisoo saw my signal and just nodded.

Jisoo wore my usual fit when I become GummyBaby. The black jacket, black pants, cap, and face mask. I just pray to God that J wouldnt notice our height difference.

But then, I guess not because she's happily answering some questions from the reporters regarding her thoughts about the CF and how her relationship with Kai is going.

"Well, yeah. We're still together and even more in love than before. Right, Kai?" Jennie cutely smiled at the reporters before glancing at Kai and gripped his hand tighter.

Kai didnt respond. He was busy typing on his phone so fast.

"Umm. Kai? Babe?" Jennie urged Kai to look at her.

"Huh? W-what is it?" Only then did Kai seem to notice that all eyes are on them.

"I said, we're still together and even more in love than before."

"Oh. Uh, yes, we're happily enjoying our lives and career as a couple and I'm so excited for this CF since the filming will be on our monthsary." Kai suddenly changed mood and was now grinning while draping his arm over Jennie's shoulder protectively.

Wait, was he acting just now?

No way. I erased that accusation immediately. Impossible.

The reporters continued to ask some more questions and soon enough the presscon finally ended.

As soon as the conference was over, I saw Kai leave the hall while Jennie remained. I continued to observe Jennie whilst trying not to be obvious that I AM observing her.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and saw a text message from Jisoo.

Jisoo: Yo, Lisa. Come here at the carpark. You might want to check my shots.

Shoot! I forgot Jisoo. I quickly gathered my things and went outside.

I spotted Jisoo from the distance and she waved. I see that she already changed her clothes.

"Jennie Kim is a goddess, my friend," Jisoo muttered with admiration on her eyes as she showed me the photos one by one.

Wow. Jisoo is really a good photographer. She almost has the same style as me. I wonder if the fans and even Jennie will be able to notice the difference on our photos.

"Yes. She is indeed a goddess. You may want to wipe your drool now. She's taken already."

"Of course I know that. But still, it doesnt mean I cant steal her heart from that Kai," she proudly crossed her arms while smiling confidently.

Right. My bestfriend doesnt know I'm in love with Jennie Kim. She still thinks I'm head over heels for Roseanne. Guess it doesnt make any sense if I tell her now. She might even pity me. I dont want that.

I just smiled, "Yeah. Whatever. Give me back my cam. I need to edit those photos and upload them tonight." I extended my hand to ask for the cam.

"Okay okay. Chill! Call me again next time if you need another proxy!" She laughed as she give me my camera.

"Yeah, sure." I'll try to avoid that from  happening again.

I waited for Jisoo to drive her car till it leave the premises before I went back to the direction of the back exit of the building.

What surprised me though as soon as I entered the building is a crying Jennie Kim running to my direction, I mean, on the way to the back exit but she doesnt seem to notice my presence.

W-w'wait. What happened to her???

She's not even wearing her other stilleto. Looks like it got broken while running.

She stopped on her tracks when she bumped into me.

"W'what?" She looked up at me.

"I'm the one who need to ask you that. What in the world happened to you? Why are you crying? And where's Kai?"

As soon as I mentioned Kai, she even cried harder and buried her face into my chest. She looked up at me with her tears continuously flowing down her smooth cheeks. Her eyes are already red from heavy crying.

"K-kai.. Kai is a.. no.. this cant be happening. Impossible!" She stuttered.

At times like this, I realized its not best to force her to tell me the whole story. I need to calm her down first.

I pulled away from her and went down to my knees with my back facing her.

"Hop on." I said while gesturing to my back.

"Huh? What are you saying?" I heard Jennie asked in confusion.

"I said, hop onto my back. You cant go out using the main entrance in that state. You'll find yourself in all kmedia outlets by tonight if you do that. I cant let you walk in one shoe either. So we're going somewhere."

"But where?" She asked nervously.

"Aish. You'll know when we get there. Dont worry I wont take advantage of you if thats what you're nervous about." I replied sternly.

"N-no. I'm not nervous at all. Okay then. I guess, thank you." She said as she hop onto my back.

I carried her all the way to my car. Once inside, she asked me again.

"Where are we going?" she continues to wipe her tears.

From facing the steering wheel, I glanced at her sideways and smiled softly.

"To my favorite place on Earth."

Short update. Dont forget to vote lmfao. 🤘🏻

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