You First Always Pt 2

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I lowered my head as I extend my crane in front of me to make sure I dont bump into any walls or trip over a stone on the way home. While walking at a very slow pace like a snail, my mind couldn't help but wander back to the events that transpired earlier.

I vividly remember her warm breath against mine and in that moment I felt like time just stopped. I dont need to see her or hear her voice to know who she was. I may be blind but my heart is not. To make sure, I slowly raised my hand up to touch her face till my hand landed on her soft slightly opened lips.


Suddenly, its gotten harder for me to breathe realizing it was really her. If she's back in school, then that only means one plan succeeded.

Jennie got her sight back.
I'm glad.
I'm so glad.
Jennie can have her old life back and she can go chase after her dreams again. Knowing that she's back to normal gave me a surge of relief.

I immediately pulled my hand away from her face as I got burned by her heat. I tried to get off of her but Jennie's hand were quick to put me in place and pulled me upwards to sit.

"Th-thanks." I mumbled as I seem to have lost my voice in front of her all of a sudden.

Lisa you just became blind, but your tongue functions pretty well, use that tongue of yours! I internally scolded myself.

I'm pretty sure she already knows my condition so there's no point in trying to act that I could see her. I reached my hand out in search of my cane when I felt two tiny hands enveloped mine and placed a cane in between. My fingers slid over the body of the cane and recognized it was mine.

"Here," I heard Jennie softly says beside me. I just nodded without a word and quickly moved to stand up and started to walk away in silence.

"Lisa! Wait up! I wanted to know what happened! How did you become.." I felt a hand stopped me by the wrist so I had no choice but to turn back towards the source of the voice.

Jennie and I didnt break up in good terms. It didn't end well for the both of us. She left me to be with a real boy, Kai, and I couldn't blame her for her decision. I admit I got mad at first because I was really hurt.. I was really hurt by the fact that I cant be and never could be someone that Jennie would be proud of and show to the world. But after her accident, after I witnessed how she's slowly losing her mind and giving her life up because of her blindess, I realize that it doesn't matter if she didn't choose me, what matters to me the most is she's alive and wants to continue living.I love her too much that I want her to be happy, even if that happiness no longer includes me and even if I have to give up my own dreams in the process for her to reach her own.

I know I should get out of here. Away from her. I dont want her to feel any pity for me that would cause her any guilt. Guilt for choosing Kai over me and leaving me alone blind.

More than that, I also dont want her to discover that I was her eye donor. That would just give her unnecessary guilt which I dont want because she might feel responsible over my blindness that she'd try to make it up to me by staying by my side even if I know she's no longer happy with me so I have to push her away and stay away from her as I can. I made this decision by myself. And I'm more than ready to face the consequences.

"Become what, Jennie? Blind? Jennie, we're over. You ended us. So you have no rights over me. Dont concern yourself about me, I'm fine. I can live my life as a blind person. Its not a big deal to me. Okay? Now, let me go."

More for You, Less for Me (JENLISA COMPLETED) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat