12 - Amusement Part 3

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Surpriseeeeee lol i


I gave Jennie some wet wipes for her to wipe the cream off her hands.

"Where do we go next, Lisa?" she asks as she wipes her hand.

"Well, which ride do you want to try first?" I shot back.

"Let's try the roller coaster!! I havent experienced it but I kinda watched roller coaster youtube videos so Im sorta prepared for it."

"Are you sure bout that? I dont want you to throw up during the ride. I mean.. that would be messy." I chuckled as I imagined Jennie shouting and
throwing up at the same time. Fufufu.

"Nope! Dont worry, I got this!" so she said while giving me a thumbs up.

And so, here we go walking on average speed towards the roller coaster ride. I let Jennie take in her surroundings as long as she wants. I always try to adjust to her walking pace like if she slows down,  I slow down, if she walks fast, I also walk fast yet making sure I'm a little bit behind her.

We're already midway when we saw  a water fountain with its amazing water play. This fountain is one of the aesthetic spots of the amusement park. It would be great if I could snap some photos of Jennie in front of that.

"Hey, Lisa! Check this out!" Jennie yelled at me pointing to the fountain.

"Yeaaaaah. So cooooool." I tried to sound enthusiastic but honestly, I already saw this fountain thousand times before so it doesnt excite me that much anymore. "Oh btw, Jennie, a philosopher once said that when you drink water from this fountain. Luck will surely come knocking at your door." I said in a low tone.

"Eh? Really?" she looked at me then started to scoop some water.

"Just kidding," I burst out laughing.

"!!!!!" She slapped my butt. Jennie can be weird at times huh. I feel like she likes poking people's ass too.

I continued laughing with my hands on my stomach. When my laughter finally died down, I faced Jennie and apologized.

"Right. So I should apologize about earlier. Hmm, let me make it up to you. How bout I take pictures for you with the fountain as background. Sounds good?"

"Well, not bad." she replied.

I took out my iPhone X and started to snap some photos. The quality might not be as good as my professional cameras but this will do for a date.

I took many shots of Jennie from different angles and different parts of the fountain. Jennie really is photogenic, I'm just looking at her through my phone's screen but damn she looks so fine. It may have took us some five minutes for those photos but now we're done so I started to walk towards our real destination.

"Hey, wait!" I looked at Jennie as she pulled my right hand to a halt.

"Um, what is it?"

"Let's take a selfie first." She smiled and guess what I think that was one of the sweetest smile ever so how could a mere mortal like me say no?

I didnt respond but I walked closer to her. I was taken aback when she suddenly snatched my phone and takes over. The first shot was of Jennie with her gummy smile out but me in that little girl meme pose because I wasnt ready for that quick snap. Embarassing Lisa. Must delete that asap.

The next one was we were both smiling with our cheeks squeezed together. Cute.

The third one was both of us showing finger hearts followed by photos of us winking at the front camera.

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