"Me too," I mumbled under my breath.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and moved back to her spot on the recliner. "Ary, you should talk to your friends. I'm always here, but I can't always tell you what you need to hear."

I gave her a small smile and grabbed my homework from the table, focusing on my assignment.

One thing was certain, whether that text was meant for a random number or not, I was going.

Best case scenario, I'd get whatever answers I needed.

Worst case scenario, I'd leave after realizing it was the wrong number.

I needed to sneak out though. It was a Sunday night and my parents sure as hell wouldn't let me go to a random park at eleven at night. It wouldn't be too hard, considering I still had the ladder outside my window. That thing was handier than I ever thought it could be.

"Earth to Ary," my brother yelled, making me jump. He burst out laughing and I glared. "You've been spaced out for the past five minutes."

"Geez! And? At least I have the capability of thinking," I snapped.

He grinned and took a seat next to me, leaning back. "I can't even deny it. Anyway, whatcha doing?"


"Ah, I wouldn't know that either."

"Obviously," I snorted. All Justin did was play video games and hang out with his girlfriend. "You know you'll get kicked off the team if your grades drop, right?"

His happy face fell and was replaced by horror. "What? That's a thing?"

I rolled my eyes and shoved his side. "You're dumber than I thought."

He groaned and got up, presumably to ask my dad if it was true. I'm surprised he didn't know beforehand. I'm sure Coach told them.

I forced myself to finish my homework so I'd have time to prepare for tonight. I hadn't gotten any other cryptic texts and I couldn't call the number because it was blocked.

Dinner was hell. I was anxious as is, and I had to deal with my parents staring at me. I'm sure I was being paranoid but it felt like they already knew what I was planning on doing.

After our meal, I excused myself and ran upstairs. After closing the door, I began pacing to get rid of the anxious energy I had.

To distract myself, I called Dylan. "Hey ugly."

"Bella? Everything okay?"

I furrowed my brows, wondering why it was so concerning for me to call randomly. Then I heard giggling in the background.

"I'm a little busy right now," he huffed. I realized he sounded out of breath and nearly threw up in my mouth.

"Ew ew ew. Why would you even pick up the phone in the middle of that? You know, please continue," I shrieked before hanging up.

Who the hell picks up the phone during sex?

I proceeded to call my best second option, Jaz. She picked up right away. "Hey, babe! What's happening?"

"Nothing much, just super bored. You have any drama for me?" I desperately asked.

If she was suspicious, she didn't show. She was eager to rant, telling me about Taylor and her recent rumors. I guess this was her way of coping with the fact that her crush would never like her back.

"Why Taylor? Out of all the people in our school, why her?" I asked the burning question.

She paused for a long time before answering, "Honestly, she's hot as hell. She has this bad bitch energy around her and damn, it's attractive. I get why all the guys are obsessed with her." I hummed in agreement. There was a reason Taylor got all the boys at school. The worst part was, no one even hated her. We were all jealous because we wanted to be her.

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