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Sometimes it was surprising how quickly everything could turn to shit.

I attached my sword belt to my waist, resolute. Yesterday I had mastered my powers; today I was going to go out and practice my sword skills. I had on my lightweight armour too and the fireproof clothing – it was better to practice with everything on.

Still abhorrently strange though that I could don armour like I did with clothes – simple, easy, comfortably. I rechecked the straps on the vambraces and the greaves then my hair went up into a high ponytail and I strapped my sword onto my back.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw Holy Knight Estra staring back at me. I looked away quickly and opened the door to my room. My heart pounded in my chest and I pushed away the nausea that rose. Whether I liked it or not, that was always going to be a part of me and I'd have to learn not to fear it nor get washed away in the shame of it.

I made my way cautiously down the stairs. Hawk's mum was on the move and it seemed I still had trouble with my 'sea-legs'.

"Wow, Estra, don't you look fancy," Ban said as I entered. He was dressed in only an apron that said, 'I love the chef', and his signature red pants. He was also serving breakfast that had my mouth watering.

"Shut up," I mumbled, taking a seat and digging in. "If we're going to Liones, I need to be prepared."

"You know we aren't leaving yet, right?" He burst out laughing as I glared at him.

"I'm going out to train, you dolt. I might have been a Holy Knight but I'm not under their spell anymore which means I need to make sure I can still fight." The words came out harsher than I expected and I dared not raise my head as guilt streaked through me. He wasn't the target of the malice.

His hand came down on my head, sort of like a fatherly pat. "I'll go get changed and we'll see just how competent you are with a sword. If it's anything like how you are with your fist, then you might need some help."

I rose halfway out of my chair with a squawk.

"Please," came a groan. I looked around until I spotted King with his head on the table. "Don't make so much noise."

"Whoa, buddy, you don't look so good." I sat back down and slid my cup of water over to him.

Bleary-eyed he stared at it. "I don't think I have the strength to get it."

"Alcohol really does a number on you, doesn't it?"

"Didn't you have troubles with alcohol before?"

"Me? Pssh, I was great at handling it."

"Your memory says otherwise," Gowther said, appearing by my side.

I jumped and nearly fell out of my chair. "When did you get here?"

"I was here long before you were Estra, we met on the stairs," he replied, failing to identify what I actually meant. "Do you have problems remembering things?"

"What did I say about my memories, Gowther?" I threatened, jabbing a finger in his direction.

He spun away quickly then took a seat on the other side of King. Ban reappeared, dressed in a red leather shirt that matched his pants.

"Howdy, gang." All heads turned in Meliodas' directed. He positioned himself behind the bar and set at cleaning the overflowing stack of glasses and tankards in the sink. Half of those had to be from the two foxes drinking escapades last night so I tried to avoid noticing the pile.

"Hey, Captain, do you have any clue on where we're supposed to go next?" asked Ban.

King managed to grumble, "Any chance you have a lead on where the next sin might be?" before planting his face on the counter.

Fox Of Greed (Greedy Fox Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now