~~ EIGHT ~~

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Dragging myself out of the dirty lukewarm water in the tub, I dried myself with a large piece of cloth before applying the dressings for my wounds. Cuts and scratches lined my arms, legs, stomach and the palms of my hands. I also had a multitude of bruises, especially a large diagonal stretch of black and blue along my ribs, which must have been from the tree if I had to guess.

Wincing as I hobbled closer to the clothing placed on the ground at the door, I dressed as quick as I could, pulling on the underwear, hissing in pain as I pulled on the short black pants. They rested at about mid- thigh, something I was grateful of, considering the bandages and gauze on my lower legs.

I reached for the grey half-shirt, as I called it, lying over the back of a chair, poked the padding inside of it, confused. Elizabeth said that a top like this was worn by the women knights for protection. She had also called it a bra, but it was a foreign word to me so I disregarded it. Next, I dragged a dark blue shirt over my head, my head getting stuck in a big flap of fabric. A hoodie, Meliodas had called it, an altered design with short sleeves.

Flicking back the hood, I stood in front of the mirror to tie my air up high, watching the ends curl slightly down near the middle of my back. It's getting long. Might have to get rid of some of it. Unlike a fox's fur, hair did not shed in copious amounts. One had to cut human hair to keep it short.

Sighing, shoulders drooping, I hobbled to the bed in the room and sat on the edge, head in hands. After getting back into the tavern, the bar owner had sent me to this bedroom, before Hawk and Elizabeth came in to fill the tub with boiling hot water. Meliodas had brought a spare pair of clothes and black lace up boots for me to change into.

So for about an hour, I soaked in the tub, wounds tingling and my aching body relishing in the hot water. That was until I fell asleep and awoke in lukewarm water, sluggish and dazed. Groaning, I reached across to the chair and snagged another set of bandages, wrapping my red, aching feet. Bound, I tested them against the floor again before standing and heading for the door.

I faintly remembered Meliodas telling me to come down when I was ready so I limped down the stairs and back into the main area of the tavern. Elizabeth, Hawk and Meliodas all sat around a table, tankards and empty plates set before them. Their conversation dwindled to nothing as I came forward, stomach growling.

"Oh, let me get you something," Elizabeth exclaimed, rushing towards the bar area.

"Looking good, Estra," Meliodas said, winking before following after Elizabeth.

I was too tired, famished and thirsty to make a comeback. I plopped in a seat beside Hawk, head falling onto the table.

"Wow, Estra. You look like crap."

"Thanks, Hawk," I replied sarcastically, eyes closed. "I already knew that."

"Here you go." I woke to a tankard and full plate being set on the table.

"Please tell me Elizabeth cooked this," I said as I stabbed a fork into the slivers of meat and eggs on the plate, raising it to my mouth.

"Yes, I did. I know it's not much but I hope you like it," she said, hands clasped together.

"And the ale is on me," Meliodas added.

One bite of the meal and I was hooked. Soon, the plate was empty and I was praising Elizabeth, all the while taking sips of the ale. It wasn't so bad, once you got past the bitter taste and the burning path it left as it travelled down one's throat.

"Hey Estra," Hawk snorted and I turned to him. "Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I mean, how are you a sin?"

I was hoping that was all a bad dream. "It's complicated," I started, eyeing the three around me.

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