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Boots by my ear, hands grabbing me and hauling me into a tight hug.

"Leraj, stop squeezing so tight," I muttered, grateful to be held. For a few seconds there, I thought that was the end of me.

"Sorry." He pulled back, holding me by the shoulders. "At least I know you're alive.

"A little worse for wear, but I'm alright." I cocked my head and smiled. "Unlike you, you look like shit."

His hair was a mess, face pale and gaunt. His tired eyes held more sparkle than his dented armour, red as the blood on his cheek. I reached forward and wiped it from his cheek, the cut underneath fading before my eyes.

"It's what I get trying to keep you safe," he replied, tapping me on the forehead. "Come on, we better help the others." He helped me to my feet, slinging my arm over his shoulder even as I protested.

"You don't have to do that. I can walk on my own."

"Estra, your feet aren't even planted on the ground."

I looked down then readjusted my feet so they were flat. "Fine. You can help for a bit," I grumbled. "Just until my strength returns." I pointed towards the ground and cast Kitsune to help me along.

"Of course, Fox."

Two demons, a Holy Knight and an original Sin and still we couldn't...My mouth tasted of ash. Hendrickson had wiped the floor with us. The hollow ache in me at losing my friend was only half filled by the anger writhing like snakes.

"We have to go after Hendrickson," I stated.

"We don't even know where he went, Estra. Let's not be hasty. I have a bad feeling there's a reason he's after Elizabeth."

I grind my teeth together. He was right of course. "He's kidnapped her to bargain with the King. The only logical place they are is the castle." Her worth lay in her royal bloodline and Hendrickson was trying to topple the kingdom. Using her as a bargaining chip was the only reasonable explanation.

Unless it's not a reasonable one.

The words were worrisome. "Let's hurry up and gather the others," I said. When my eyes focused though, I realised we had a visitor.

"Ban!" I cried out in relief. He had a set of nunchuks draped over his shoulders, with Hawk close by. "Hawk! You're alive!" Leraj and I began hobbling towards the three of them. Well, Leraj hobbled and I was kind of just dragged along by my demon buddy.

"Of course, I am! Can't kill the Captain of the Scraps so easily," he huffed.

"Ban, help me out here," Meliodas said as he rose to his feet. He clutched at his chest in doing so. "It's Elizabeth. Hendrickson's taken her away again."

"Not again," Hawk said, bounding over to Meliodas. "These Holy Knights have no idea how to treat a Princess, do they?" I smiled at that.

"Hey Hawk, I didn't know you were here," the captain said.

"Forget about that and get some rest, pronto! You look worse than death itself." Hawk pivoted and trotted over to Ban again. "Ban, the two of us need to get going and rescue Elizabeth. Now you're ready to move out, aren't ya? Aren't ya?"

We paused about 30 metres of them, Leraj putting a hand to his head. "Damn fight really got to me."

"Time to take a rest then." I slid my arm from Leraj's shoulders and helped him down to the ground. He patted my hand as I relinquished contact, standing tall while he slumped against debris, a hand still pressed to his forehead.

Fox Of Greed (Greedy Fox Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now