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Elizabeth's POV

"I've heard there's a terrifying monster who lurks around here, watching and waiting," Hawk's voice was low and scary and I felt a tremor run down my spine. Then something grabbed me from behind.

I shrieked. "What is it?!" Hawk shouted, turning back to me with wide eyes.

"I- I can feel something grabbing me from behind!" I replied hurriedly, my heart hammering against my chest. Something was definitely was under my skirt.

"Hey, relax," Meliodas said next to me. "It's just me."

"Oh phew! What a relief!" I sighed, hand to my forehead. At least it wasn't some creepy monster.

"He's such a creeper!" Hawk scowled.

"Well, putting that aside for just a minute." Meliodas walked past me. "I might have a little evidence," he confessed, looking around the forest. "Travelling through the Forest of White Dreams on horseback is a lot harder than it seems. It's so hard to get your bearings that experienced travellers go around."

"This would be the perfect place for one to hide out!" I said gleefully. We're going to be one step closer to completing my quest!  "Hang on," I murmured. Something's not right!

I patted my bottom,feeling around. They're gone. Oh no, of all the things to happen. How could they have disappeared?!

"You okay?" Hawk questioned.

"Sure! Just fine," I replied hurriedly, hands still on the back of my skirt. What was I going to do now? I can't let them know that I've lost them.

Oh no, this cannot be happening! Alright, just think of this calmly, Elizabeth. I know I had them on when I got up this morning. Did I leave them in the bathroom? No, of course not, I never forget them in there.

"They're really gone!" I cried softly.

"Hang on a minute." Hawk stopped my thoughts. "Where's Estra gone?"

"Huh?!" I fervently looked around. Our orange- haired fox was gone. "Estra?" I shouted out into the forest. My voice was swallowed instantly by the mist. "Estra, where are you?"

Even Meliodas looked slightly surprised. "She was right here a second ago."

"Estra? She was right over there," I said, pointing to a tree with a yellow stain on it's trunk, the only thing that distinguished it from it's brethren. Then, realising my mistake, clamped my hand back over my bottom.

"How could we have lost her?" Hawk was running frantically and it took a while to calm him down.

"Look, Estra should be fine; I've given her a dagger and she's gotten a lot better at fighting," Meliodas stated.

"That won't help her if she's lost!" Hawk was turning hysterical now.

"Don't worry,she's a fox," Meliodas said. "She'd lived in a forest most of her life before being human; she's probably already tracking her way back to us as we speak."  

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