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A/N: just realised now that something's glitches and half a dozen words each line seem to be conjoined now *scowl*

I'm fixing it up now but if any of you guys see another mistake I missed, point it out please.

Hawk's mother stopped just outside the edges of the forest

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Hawk's mother stopped just outside the edges of the forest. Peering out my window, I could already see that today was going to be a fun day. Note the emphasis on fun. 

"It looks quite daunting, doesn't it?" Elizabeth asked, entering my room.

"Quite," I replied softly.

The trees were barren and knobbly, raising up to the sky like fingers clawing for air. Only the first several metres could be seen of the forest before a swath of thick white fog seemed to swallow everything whole.

There was a feel to the forest I didn't like, something I didn't really want to have dealings with again. Magic. Even with my window closed, it seemed to seep out of the air and latch onto my body, running up and down my skin.

"You girls ready to go?" I turned to see Meliodas with his sword strapped to his back, Hawk beside him. I realised then that I seemed to be the only one still in my pyjamas.

"I'll meet you guys downstairs," I replied, quickly diving into the pile of clothes in the corner.

"Can't you keep things neat?" I heard Hawk honk before the door cut off their voices.

I salvaged a pair of black shorts that came to mid-thigh from the pile and a neon green singlet top, putting them on quickly. Thrusting my hair into a high ponytail then sliding my feet into the boots, I bounded down the stairs, wincing slightly at the throb from my bruised jaw.

The others were waiting outside on the grass for me, watching the forest. From here, it looked even more ominous. The air was still as we walked to it's border, not a single sound permitting the air. It was like all the wildlife had died, leaving behind an emptiness.

Soundlessly, Meliodas glided next to me and slipped something into my hand. I sneaked a glance and saw that I was holding the leathery hilt of a long dagger, the blade a polished silver. I thanked him with a nod.

Each step we took into the forest was silent, our ankles swallowed by a mist. At least we could see inside the forest. It seemed that the fog just seemed to hover more thickly over our heads and at the edges of the woods. Once again, the feel of magic rippled along my skin.

"Well, I guess we've arrived at the Forest of White Dreams," I said in a low voice. It didn't seem right to speak too loud.

Hawk led the way, followed by me and Elizabeth, with Meliodas bringing up the rear. An eerie caw echoed around us and I gripped the blade tighter, tip pointed out to the forest. I hadn't learnt how to use this weapon before but I got the gist: if something comes at me, stick it with the pointy end.

Time elapsed slowly. Or quickly, I couldn't tell. There was no sun to tell the time, no lengthening shadows. Nothing but mist and dead trees. My nerves were taunt and every little snap or crunch under our feet had my head swinging to the sides.

"Hey, Meliodas," Hawk said, "are you sure about this? We've been out here for three hours now. There's no sign of any animals, much less any humans either."

"You're right, Hawk," answered Elizabeth, turning to Meliodas. "Do you think we'll really be able to find one of the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"Probably," he replied nonchalantly.

"You mean we came here without ansolid evidence?" Hawk shouted angrily, irk marks appearing on his face.

I bit my lip to stop laughing, then stopped to inspect one of the trees. A faint trail of yellow led from a hole in it, down the trunk and onto the floor. I looked behind the tree; the trail continued off into the forest. Curiosity piqued, I followed it partially.

"I've heard there's a terrifying monster who lurks around here, watching and waiting," Hawk's voice wafted over to me. Then Elizabeth shrieked.

My head snapped round.

And I realised.

They weren't behind me.

A/N: Short, I know. But more is coming! The next chapter will be from the perspective of one of the others, maybe Hawk or Elizabeth, then the story will continue. I just wanted to add the perspective of one of the others but I didn't want to have a confusing POV change half-way through the story.

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