~~ 36.5 ~~

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Leraj's POV 

It wasn't supposed to turn out this. Now it was too late.

I'd die for this woman if I had to – I'd kill myself if it meant saving her life.

In my beginning, it was my curse never to feel emotion, for any of it would have been my downfall. And since coming to Earth, the only time I'd allowed myself to love another was the young girl and her family who'd taken care of me.

Funny how all it had taken was a brazen, outspoken fire-haired girl to make me feel again. Love, pride, protectiveness, joy and happiness.

Guilt. Shame. Anger at myself.

I buried my fingers in her orange hair, afraid she'd disappear on me. This couldn't last. No matter my feelings towards her and her newfound ones towards me, I needed to break this facade on her while it was disintegrating, even if it meant she'd hate me forever.

I knew why she couldn't mention anything about the sins. Saw it in her mind every time I stroked my thumb over her forehead or kissed her temple. The effects of the demon blood coupled with a Holy Knight's spell were fading.

She couldn't stay in Liones with Hendrickson's remaining henchmen watching us. It would only be a matter of not when Hendrickson found out but how and Estra would be reverted back to square one, force fed demon blood again.

A flutter in the garden made me look up over Estra's head. One was sitting on a branch of the willow tree, wide eyes watching. It looked like a raven but to my eyes, it wavered and bulged until it was grotesque and oozing.

Another flutter of wings and I smirked at the demon. It cawed once then looked to it's left. Sitting there, preening his feathers, was Heido. He cooed once and met eyes with the demon, wicked beak coated with blackened blood. Grotesque eyes widened and it tried to flutter away but Heido caught it's neck with his talons and held tight.

I brushed my lips against Estra's earlobe, felt her shiver against me. "How about we go inside? Starting to get a bit chilly out here."

"You and your cold blood," she muttered as we diverted back into the house. I shut the patio door with a nod to Heido, heard the squelch of skin being squeezed tight as the door clicked shut.

"Dinner?" I looked up to see Estra already in the kitchen, tying an apron on. There was a glimmer in her eyes, a spark of the old her. If this wasn't all so fucked up, this could have been a life I'd be happy to live with.

One week, I reasoned with myself. A week to allow the demon blood to wear off enough for the next part of my plan. I would be lying to myself if I said that was the first thought on my mind about spending a week away together.

"With you cooking? Do I look like I want to die?" I joked as I stepped round the counter and joined her in there. "Knowing you, it'll be a simple meal otherwise the Rose Cottage may not be standing any longer."

She thwacked me around the head with a spatula, a devilish grin playing on her lips. "You really want to pick a fight with me in a kitchen? I'm extremely skilled in weaponry when it comes to the utensils found in these drawers." She whirled back round and redid her hair until it was messy bun balanced precariously. "I'm thinking steak for dinner? And maybe a simple salad?" 

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