~~ TEN ~~

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A/N: TO my readers, 

I am deeply sorry that it has taken me so long to update. I cannot offer an excuse but I can offer an explanation. Life has been extremely rough these past few weeks, enough so that I haven't had the heart to write. I've had the ideas but the words wouldn't come. It wasn't just a bad case of writer's block, but life itself planning to bring me down. 

So I'm truly sorry that you've had to wait so long for an update. I hope I can make it up to you by saying that the next few chapters are going to be quite interesting and I just don't mean because of how the anime itself progresses :P  

Okay, this is a long chapter and I would like your feedback on what you think of this chapter: is it boring? is it alright? too long? too short? not descriptive enough? too orientated around the plot? 

Guys, give me as much feedback as possible. I want to make my fanfiction one of the best, but I can't do it alone. Your feedback really does help my stories. So, when you get the end of this chapter, don't forget to hit that little star (optional) and leave a constructive comment at the bottom. 



I don't understand my mentality to help random strangers everywhere I go. I didn't when I was a fox, so when did I become someone so caring for those in need? Groaning, I slumped against the door, catching my breath slowly.

Meanwhile, Meliodas and Mead were talking.

"What is this, a tavern?" Mead asked, chin on the table.

"Yeah, the Boar Hat," Meliodas exclaimed proudly. "It's my place."

"And her?" Mead jabbed a thumb at me.

"I'm one of the people who took a few rocks for you," I huffed, glaring at him.

"Well, I'm hungry," complained Mead, turning back to Meliodas and ignoring me completely.

"If you answer my questions, I'll make sure you get some food," Meliodas stated, arms folded. I recognised this as a technique my mother used to use on me when I wanted something.

Estra, if you go and get the herbs I need, then I'll let you go play with your brothers.

It normally worked. "Nope, food first." Mead looked so smug, leaning back in his chair and hands behind his head, while Meliodas grumbled. It seemed I wasn't the only one annoyed by this child.

"Estra, come help me out," Meliodas asked and I pushed myself up from the floor.

In the kitchen, I quizzed Meliodas on what power these Holy Knights truly had.

"How powerful is a Holy Knight?"

"Have you seen an army before, Estra?" Meliodas asked as he shoved a plump, plucked chicken into the oven.

An image of my younger self scurrying through bloodied grass and mud to feast on horse flesh rose to mind but I decided not to mention that. "Only the aftermath," I answered. "But there were a lot of dead bodies."

"Well, imagine an entire army – that's how strong a Holy Knight is."

"What?" I didn't believe him and I told him as such. "How can someone have that much power?" Then I realised who I was talking to, a man whose power I didn't fully understand yet. A knight whose feared by most of the countryside.

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