The Forbidden Fruit | 61

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*This is all happening whilst Tyler is at the hospital*

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*This is all happening whilst Tyler is at the hospital*

Twenty minutes before the wedding

Arabella's POV

"Hey, darling." She mumbled, her lips pulled into a tight smile as she appeared behind me through the reflection in the mirror. I glared at her and ran my hands down my dress, smoothing out the creases even though I really could care less about them.

"What do you want?" I clipped as I stumbled away from the mirror. I was tempted to rip this dress off of me but I didn't have the guts too. If I did what would this mean? There are about fifty people outside waiting to see this ridiculous wedding happen.

"I came to see if you were ready."

"I told you I'm not going out there until my friends are all here and they're not."

"Sweetie your friends might take over thirty minutes to come, you never know. We can't wait for them forever." Not that I'm complaining or anything, they can take as long as they want to come, they'll just be doing me a favour and not a disservice.

"I don't care."

"Fine! Is your father still walking you down the aisle?" She asked, her hands fiddling with the bouquet of flowers in her hands nervously. Was she actually serious right now? She thinks I'll give my father the liberty to walk me down the aisle and marry me off?!

At this point I don't need his permission to marry anyone so why give him that satisfaction? When the love of my life broke up with me last night and now I have to marry someone else. I'm not going to make my father smile today no matter how sick he is. "Hell no!"

"Arabella he's sick!"

"I said no! He's not dying and he's not too sick to continue throwing this wedding right!? He's my dad, of course, I'll be devastated if he were actually dying but he's not, the poison didn't reach his system far enough to do any damage so I think we're good for the next twenty years or so. Maybe then he'll see me marry someone I actually love!"

I stormed away from her and found myself flopping down onto the couch as I retrieved my phone to check the time. "Arabella, he's your father and despite his mistakes, he should walk you down the aisle."

"What did you just say? No, no he shouldn't because he's not marrying me off with dignity, he's marrying me off with shame, to his freaking company! You know at least I'm getting something out of this wedding, 25% shares from the company I'm marrying? That's a lot of money, I know you got what you wanted haven't you?"

"Bella!" She exclaimed in astonishment at the words that sprung out of my mouth. But she knew it was true, she's always been for herself and herself only, what's new? "Get out, mom. I can't look at you right now."

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