Chapter Seven: New Friend?

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Chapter Seven: New Friend?

Audrey and I were hanging out in her yard, while her parents were watching us as they talked on the porch.

Audrey: Tag! Your it!
Stella: I'm tired of running, can we play something else
Audrey: we can go ride my scooter
Stella: okay

Audrey went to get her scooter and when she did we saw a moving truck.

Stella: I wonder who's moving in?
Audrey: I don't know, let's go find out
Stella: what about your parents

We both look over at  them sitting on the stairs together talking and Audrey said.

Audrey: meh, they won't noticed. They been to busy arguing to notice we are gone
Stella: they're not arguing now?

We look again and found the two of them kissing each other.

Audrey: they do that all the time. They get my hopes up for nothing about them getting back together again and then my dad goes back on the road and everything back to way it use to be
Stella: alright let's go take a look at the new neighbors

Audrey and I ran down the block to see the new neighbors. We see two guys and girl that's about our age helping with boxes.

???: I don't understand why we had to move?

Said the young girl.

???: you know your Uncle Damon and I grew up here. We wanted to show you where your mom grew up
???: mom grew up here?
???: we all did.

Said the guy coming back from the house, who I think was that Damon guy, the other guy mentioned.

Damon: what's taking you guys so long, hurry up!
???: coming Uncle Damon! Uncle Stefan, put this inside for me please
Stefan: nice try little one, but you're bringing your own stuff inside just like the rest of us
???: aww, it was worth the shot, I'll meet you inside

Stefan smiled at her and went inside, and the girl turned around and was surprised to see us starring at us.

???: uh... what are you two doing on my lawn?
Stella: uh... we saw you guys move in down the block. We are your new neighbors
Audrey: welcome to the neighborhood!
Stella: my name is Stella and this is my best friend Audrey
???: hi... I'm Sarah Nelson, I just moved in with my two uncle's
Audrey: where's your family?
Sarah: I rather not say...
Stella: it's okay, you can tell us another time when you're ready
Sarah: thanks *smiles*
Dean: girls! You two are in so much trouble!
Audrey: uh-oh, we better head back, we weren't supposed to leave without their permission
Damon: Sarah, come on, we have to hurry with the moving truck
Sarah: coming!!! I gotta go too, see you girls around
Audrey: wait, what school will you be attending?
Sarah: (insert school name)
Audrey: omg so are me and Stella! Maybe we can hang out more
Sarah: of course I will let my uncles know
???: GIRLS!
Sarah: gotta blast!
Audrey: so do we!

Audrey and I ran down the block back to Dean and Audrey's mom who were waiting impatiently.

With Sarah:
Damon: who were they?
Sarah: our neighbors, just wanted to welcome me to the new neighborhood, they go to the same school as me
Damon: see sweetheart, I told-you, you would make friends here
Sarah: maybe this time around won't be so bad after all

With Stella and Audrey:
Dean: girls, what is with the two of you running off on your own
Audrey: sorry daddy
Dean: Audrey there's gonna be new changes around here, now that I'm back in town
Audrey: wait? You're staying permanently this time?
Dean: yeah, dad thinks I need to be with my family and your mom and I are gonna try to work things out
Audrey: this is awesome!!! Best news ever! *hugs them* are you gonna tell Ben?
???: when he gets home from soccer practice, I will tell him
Audrey: this is the best news ever! I love you guys!
???: now don't get your hopes up about your father and I getting back together. We are just seeing where things go, okay?
Dean: Lisa... I don't think this is something we should say when company is over. Shouldn't we wait for Ben?
Lisa: speaking of Ben... don't you have to go pick up your son?
Dean: oh shoot! See ya girls *kiss Audrey forehead and kiss Lisa cheek*
Audrey: bye daddy!
Stella: bye Mr. Winchester
Lisa: alright girls let's go a head inside and have some lunch
Audrey/Stella: yay!!!

The girls ran inside and Lisa went after them.

Update: So Stefan and Damon had a little sister in my story, she passed away after giving birth to Sarah. Her father doesn't know about her so she's been living with Stefan and Damon Salvatore. This is going to be Stella's other best friend! Do you guys want Nick and Joe to have some guys best friends? I decided to add Ben and Lisa in my story and yes Dean is Ben's father, in my story at least

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