Chapter Fifteen: He Didnt Say I Couldn't Sing

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Trying to finish this book before the end of the year so I can focus on my other. I think the next one Im going to finish is Count Me In.
Chapter 15:

Someone knocked her bedroom and it was Kevin. She froze not sure if Kevin wanted to give her punishment tonight.

Kevin: hey bringing you dinner, we order out to eat since you know we can't use the kitchen right now. But we mostly got you your usual *place the food on her table*
Stella saw him place the food not knowing what to say to him and she blurted out.
Stella: are you going to punish me or what
Kevin: excuse me?
Stella: I know I got a spanking from you coming, so let's get it over with
Kevin: my spanking for you, you will have to wait for it, you don't ever get to choose whether you should have your punishment, you understand me?
Stella: *sighs* yes sir, but I'm tired of the waiting
Kevin: I know and waiting is part of punishment, so be patient. Come on, eat and I'm going to sit here and make sure you're eating

Stella sighs and wince sitting down at the table and starts picking at her food.

Kevin: playing with your food isn't eating , EAT
Stella: I'm not hungry
Kevin: little girl you're going to eat. You're not going to be starving yourself, now stop giving me a hard time and eat!
Stella: *sighs* yes sir

Stella slowly put some food in her mouth and tried to choke it down.

Kevin: girl... you're not being force to eat, eat it like you mean it
Stella: isn't commanding me to eat the same thing as forcing

Kevin gives her a look and she covers her mouth and continues slowly eating not before coughing on her food.

Kevin: see what happens *helps her drink water*
Stella: thanks
Kevin: look kiddo I get it, you want your punishment to be over with, but I'm not in the mood to do it right now so it's going to have to wait
Stella: fine...
Kevin: so stop pushing me on this because I will spank you but not for the stuff you committed but for your attitude and bad mouth towards me. That means two spanking, do not push me Capeesh
Stella: Capeesh... so about lock down? I still don't understand what that means
Kevin: so basically since you like keeping secrets from us about your whereabouts you will no longer be alone
Stella: what's that mean?
Kevin: it means one of us will be on Stella's watch, watching your ass for 24:7
Stella: seriously?!
Kevin: yes seriously, we can't trust you right now
Stella: this is ridiculous?! Do I not get any privacy?!
Kevin: only in the bathroom, unless you doing something in bathroom that we don't know about. Should we be concerned
Stella: Kevin, come on seriously, what is this about, because you guys have never been this severe before with my punishment. Is there something you three aren't telling me

Kevin wanted to tell her about how their mother died, but he knew he couldn't. He think it's best not to tell her because he doesn't want her to go down the same path she did.

Kevin: no... everything fine... but there's something you do need to know in case he shows up
Stella: in case who shows up?
Kevin: dad
Stella: dad??? He's alive? But how?
Kevin: apparently they made a "mistake"
Stella: what idiot made a mistake about death?! You got our whole family grieving for nothing!
Kevin: I know Stella, I know it's a lot to take in...
Stella: dad is alive?! And he didn't think to come and see us, he doesn't care
Kevin: he lost his memory Stella! I'm sure if he knew who he was he would have come to us
Stella: dad lost his memory... I didn't know
Kevin: well you didn't let me finish, this is what we mean to you Stella when we meant you need to listen with your ears more
Stella: sorry... so what now that we know that dad is alive
Kevin: we as a family are going to visit him and pick up and bring him home where he belongs
Stella: okay
Kevin: come on, we gotta go downstairs and address some things. Apparently someone been leaking source in our family about what's been going on
Stella: who is doing that?
Kevin: I don't know but we are going to find out and whoever it is will be sued with defamation of characters because they spread some terrible lies about our family

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