Chapter Six: Family Knows Best

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Chapter Six: Family Knows Best

Stella's POV

After school, Kevin allowed me to go my friends house Audrey for a play date. Audrey was rich, she had a big house, a pool and a TV in her backyard. I also have a pool but not a TV in the backyard, plus a built in trampoline to do my gymnastics tricks. We meant in gymnastics and became best friends ever since.

Audrey's lucky, her mom lets her do whatever she want. She says she no rules, she allowed to eat whenever she wants, go as late however she wants. When she's with her dad, his rules are different, her parents are divorce because her dad travels a lot with her uncle.

Stella: let's go watch tv

Audrey: okay, wanna watch Real House Wives?

Stella: I'm not allowed to watch that show

Audrey: okay, how about Keeping Up With The Kardashian

Stella: I'm too young for reality TV show

Audrey: oh I don't watch a lot of babies show

Stella: oh-okay

Audrey: want some snacks?

Stella: um... okay

We got into the pantry to look at some snacks.

Stella: are we sure we are allowed to be in here

Audrey: of course, I come in here all the time to have snacks. Take as much snack as you need

Stella: whoa, you got a lot of junk food

Audrey: thanks, take as many as you want

While the girls were pigging out on snacks, they heard noises and voices.

Audrey: *squeals* daddy's home!

I followed Audrey out of pantry as she ran to her dad.

Audrey: daddy!!!

Audrey's dad: my girl! I miss you

Audrey: I miss you too. Hi Uncle Sam, hi grandpa Bobby (a/n: yeah her family is base off the Supernatural characters except Bobby is her grandfather instead of John)

Bobby: hi princess
Audrey's dad: wait a minute, what you two doing by yourself?
Audrey: uh... I didn't see anyone when I came home
Audrey's dad: Audrey... you know you're supposed to call me if your mom leaves you by yourself again
Audrey: I'm sorry dad, I thought I could be home by myself for a couple of hours
Audrey's dad: who do you live with kid?

He said asking me, and they all looked at me and I said.

Stella: um... my big brothers, Kevin, Joe and Nick. One of them said they would be home while I was over here
Audrey's dad: do they know nobody's here to watch you girls?
Stella: no, I didn't know I was supposed to tell them
Audrey's dad: *sighs* I'll take you home, where do you live?
Audrey: she lives across the street dad
Audrey's dad: oh, Sam, do you mind taking her friend across the street for me, while I talk to Audrey about why it's bad to be left home alone without any adults
Sam: sure Dean
Audrey: I didn't do anything bad!
Dean: Audrey... you're not allowed to have guest over when your mom is not home, we talked about this. If you're left home alone after school you're supposed to call me
Audrey: *roll eyes and cross arm* anytime I call you, you're always busy with work, so I don't bothered

I heard her dad sigh as Sam grabbed me by the hand and brought me home. Sam rang the door bell and my older brother answered and looked confused to see me with this man.

Sam: Hi I'm Audrey's uncle. I was told to send...
Stella: Stella...
Sam: right Stella... back home
Kevin: they were over for a play date, is there a problem?
Sam: yeah the problem was... no one was home to watch the girls
Kevin: Stella, you know you're suppose to call me if nobody was home
Stella: I forgot
Kevin: I'm so sorry. Sometimes Stella goes over Audrey's house after school, she knows she's supposed to call first to make sure if anybody was home
Sam: no problem. Both girls are safe, and Audrey's and her dad are discussing it at home right now. I'm her Uncle, her dad's brother
Kevin: hi I'm Stella's brother. I never seen you around here before, are you guys new?
Sam: we are just visiting, we travel a lot for our job
Kevin: so do my brothers and I. We are a family of musician
Sam: my family owns a repair shop

Kevin: that's awesome. I learned everything on my own (a/n: their dad isn't a musician in my story) My brother Joe loves cars maybe he can work for you guys if Jonas Brothers don't work it.
Sam: that's really neat. My brother and I will be in town this weekend, maybe we can all hang out
Kevin: of course I would love that, it will give the girls sometimes to hang out
Sam: here's my number, give us a call
Kevin: *grabs it* we sure will, it was nice meeting you Sam
Sam: it was nice meeting you...
Kevin: Kevin... you can call me Kevin
Sam: okay
Stella: bye Sam
Sam: bye Stella, see ya later and listen to your brother, brothers knows best
Stella: okay

Sam left and Kevin let me in and said.

Kevin: he was nice
Stella: he was okay, I just meant him today *hooks up backpack*
Kevin: Stella, you know you're supposed to call us first before you hang out with Audrey, you know her mother is always busy with work. So Lisa asked me to be sure you girls are taken care of
Stella: I'm sorry, but I didn't want my play date to end
Kevin: you two could have had it over here, with me watching you, you had me worried when Sam told me you girls were by yourself
Stella: I'm sorry I worried you Kevin *hugs him* am I still in trouble?
Kevin: *sighs* no... it wasn't your fault, just next time call me, okay?
Stella: okay. I love you
Kevin: I love you too
Stella: that was my first time meeting Audrey's dad family. Her parents are divorce and her dad travels a lot for music
Kevin: well remind me to give him a call this weekend so we can all hang out
Stella: okay!

That Saturday, Stella went over to Audrey's house with her brothers to meet Audrey's family for a bbq.

Audrey: *opens door with Sam* Stella!
Stella: Audrey!

They both hugged and Stella introduced her brothers to her family and Audrey introduce her family to Stella's brothers.

Audrey: grandpa is it okay if I take Stella to the backyard
Bobby: sure kiddo stay where we can see you
Audrey: okay! Come on! Hi daddy, the boys and Stella are here

She said passing her dad who was at the grill.

Stella: hi Mr. Winchester
Audrey's dad: hi Stella, you girls stay safe
Audrey: we will!

Stella and Audrey go hang out by the pool, as the rest of the boys and Audrey's mother and sister came out too.

Chapter End Notes:
The boys are just a regular modern family. I just wanted to added them into the story. I was gonna do vampire diaries cast too. Let me know if I should add Damon and Stefan and they would be taking care of their niece if I added them in my story and yes I will be using their characters name in the show.

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