Chapter One: Stella Gets Glasses

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Stella's POV
Hi my name is Stella Nicole Jonas and I'm only 8 years old. I live with my older brothers. Kevin, Joe and Nick. (a/n: sorry Frankie's not in this story) It was always just the 4 of us ever since my mom passed away from breast cancer, and my dad died in Iraq.

At least that's what the boys have explained to me. It's been really hard on all of us, but we promise mom that no matter what we will keep doing what we love as a family, and that's exactly what we did. At least what the boys did. For me I'm just trying to find myself but as Kevin said I have lots of time to think about it since I'm only 8 years old.

It was morning, and Stella was getting ready for school, when Joe came in to wake her up.

Joe: wait a minute... you're already up?
Stella: yep!
Joe: who are you, and what have you done with my little sister
Stella: *roll eyes* I'm fine Joe, I went to bed early last night remember
Joe: oh yeah... because you had an attitude last night
Stella: I didn't have an attitude

Stella spat at him and he raised his eyebrow at her and she frown and said.

Stella: whatever
Joe: your shirt on backwards
Stella: no it isn't
Joe: yeah it is *shows her the tag that was facing the front of her shirt*
Stella: ugh! I thought it was reversal *turns shirt around*
Joe: are you okay kiddo?
Stella: yeah I'm fine why?
Joe: 1) you never wake up early on time before, normally it would take me a couple minutes to get you out of bed, and 2) you always lay your clothes out so you don't put your shirt on backwards, what's up?
Stella: nothing I'm fine, can we go please
Joe: okay...

The two of them headed downstairs and found the other two boys in the kitchen.

Stella: good morning
Kevin/Nick: good morning
Kevin: I hope someone is in a better mood today

Stella mumbles a yeah and sits down next to Nick.

Stella: what are you doing?
Nick: writing a song
Joe: but we were just in the studio recording the new song you wrote?
Nick: yeah but I got inspired again
Joe: *roll eyes* of course
Kevin: you guys want breakfast?
Stella: can I be excuse? I just want a granola bar
Kevin: are you okay Stella?
Stella: I'm fine! Why does everyone keep asking me that! When I said I'm fine, I mean it! Now back off me!

Stella said getting off the stool and and running into the living room.

Kevin: okay... what is her problem, she never talks back at us like that before
Joe: something seriously going on with her, was she acting like this yesterday
Nick: she wouldn't talk to me yesterday when I picked her up from school
Kevin: something must have happened at school yesterday
Joe: so let's go and ask her
Nick: dude what if she snaps at us again
Joe: are you seriously afraid of an 8 year old Nick?
Nick: your right, what harm could a little kid do

The boys walked into the family room together and found Stella watching television.

Kevin: how is this getting ready for school?
Stella: you always let me watch tv before school
Kevin: yes I know that, but normally you do it after you had breakfast and you didn't eat today
Stella: I said I would have granola bar
Kevin: you didn't bring it with you. What's going on with you Stella? And don't say nothing, because we know something is  going on
Stella: *sighs* at school yesterday my teacher was talking about our bodies changing and how we might develop puberty. I don't want to change, I like the way I am
Kevin: we liked the way you're too kiddo *kiss top of forehead* but yes your teacher is correct. It's not necessary a bad thing it's part of life. Everyone goes through it. I went through it, Joe and Nick went through it, and you will too
Stella: really?
Kevin: yep, you will be fine Stella, nothing gonna happened to you, your personality will always remain the same. You will always be that goofball we all know and grew found to love
Stella: really?
Kevin: really... and if you have any questions about the changes in your body, don't be ashamed to come talk about this with us, okay?
Stella: okay.
Kevin: so... have any questions?
Stella: yes... where does baby come from?
Joe: uh... I gotta go to the bathroom! *runs out*
Nick: I gotta go finish writing this song, your on your own Kev *runs out*
Kevin: yeah thanks... honey we talked about this, you know we talked about the Storks
Stella: yeah but I wanna know how the baby gets in the belly
Kevin: uh... you'll understand when you're more older when I don't have to explain
Stella: okay...

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