Chapter Fourteen: Honey... I Broke The House

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Chapter 14: Honey... I Broke The House

The boys will be over protective of Stella as she gets older letting ya'll know now since that's the whole point of the book.

15 years old.

The boys are back to being a band. Stella is now an aunt to 2 adorable nieces a 3 year old and unborn child on the way and has 2  new sister in laws Sophie and Priyanka's who are engaged to Joe and Nick. Suddenly they all live under one roof together to help take care of Stella so they can all be together. The boys were about to embark on a whole new tour for their reunion when Kevin got a shocking call from his dad's army, saying they have found him.

After all these years they were told that this man was dead only to find out that he's gone missing and loss his memory.

Joe and Stella come from the backyard and Kevin finished the phone call when they came in.

Stella: please Joe...
Joe: no
Stella: I just want to take your car on a spin please
Joe: no Stella, and if you touch my car, you're a dead girl and you won't be driving until you're 18
Stella: that's not fair! All my friends get to start driving early
Joe: well you're not friends parents, you have to earn your way to this kiddo
Kevin: beside you're not even supposed to be driving anyways until you get your permit
Stella: so not fair, you let Nick drive when he turned 15 and he scratch your car
Kevin: and he got in trouble for that. Nobody butt is safe, not even yours. Now scram, I need to talk to Joe
Stella: *looks between them* what's going on? You look serious
Kevin: nothing you need to worry about
Stella: okay... I'm going to see how the girls are doing. I love not being the only girl anymore

With Stella:

Stella was making TikTok with Alena because Alena wanted to copy whatever her auntie was doing well at least she tried to
mimic everything she did.

Stella: okay Alena, I'm going to give you simple moves and you have to follow them. Ready
Alena: *baby talk*  weady!

Stella started doing some moves and Alena tried her best to attempted them the best ability.

Stella: *pause song* good job Alena *lift her up and gives her a kiss on the cheek*
Sarah: *comes in* oh good you're here
Stella: where else would I be?
Sarah: sit, sit, sit. I have some news

Stella sits down with her.

Sarah: can't she go away
Stella: I can't I'm babysitting. Plus she's 2 what is she going to understand. Alena what stays in this room is between us three... Meaning don't tell the parental figures in the house. Capeesh?

Alena crocks her head to side and Stella.

Stella: how about I'll give you ice cream and promise not to say anything that comes out of this room
Alena: okay!
Stella: oh so you understand that huh butt face *kiss her cheek*
Alena: *giggles*
Sarah: okay, here's the plan about the party weekend, but the issue is we are going to need a ride there. I have my permit but I need someone 25 and over also a car. My uncles will be out of town so I'm staying with you this weekend right
Stella: yup it's already settled with the boys
Sarah: good
Stella: I know a car we can borrow! Joe's!
Sarah: great now we just need someone 25 and older
Stella: I also need someone to watch Alena that night while the boys and Dani go to the event tonight
Sarah: will just call the babysitting service
Stella: good idea
Alena: *baby talk* I dont want a baby sitter!
Stella: do you still want that ice cream?
Alena: yes...
Stella: then dont say anything...

Later that weekend.

Kevin: alright girls we are going to the event
Alena: bye daddy!
Kevin: bye baby love you! Be good with your aunt.
Alena: auntie Stella not going to be here
Kevin: pardon me *raised eye brow*
Joe: and where will she be going?
Stella: *covers her mouth* laugh nervously* hahaha kids you gotta love them huh Kevo Kiss, kiss Mwah! Love you boys! Now ta-ta! You don't want to be late
JB: *gives her look* hmm...
Stella: *puts hand up* what... I swear I'm not doing anything wrong. Me and Alena are just going to be home and chill and maybe play a couple of board games
Alena: *baby talk* shoots and ladders!
Stella: yeah shoots and ladders
JB: *gives her questionable look* uh huh...
Kevin: well bye ladies, and make sure she's in bed by 8
Alena: *baby talk* daddy I'm a big girl now I can stay up another hr
Stella: 8... it's perfect.. we don't need you up later than that
Alena: *pouts and cross arm* fine...
Stella: Joey... speaking of car...
Joe: No
Stella: but-
Joe: N-O we already talked about this
Kevin: talked about what
Joe: Stella wanted to use my car tomorrow to go to the event
Kevin: forget it, you don't even have a license
Stella: but-but I was going to let Sarah drive
Joe/Kevin: hellllll fucking no
Joe: first of all, you're not to use my car without a license let alone getting in a car with someone without our permission
Stella: that's not fair you let Nick drive at my age
Kevin: and you know what happened, he got his butt whooped, him and Joe for disobeying me
Nick: guilty
Joe: as charge, *points fingers at her* and you're not going to make the same mistakes we did. So get that idea right of your head. Matter of fact... *grabs his key* to make sure you won't take my keys these will be coming with me
Stella: ugh... Sarah was right I should have never have told you guys
Kevin: and that would have been your big mistake. Don't cross us Stella, you won't like the results
Stella: fine... I'll stay home
Nick: smart girl
Kevin: goodnight ladies
Stella: *mumbles* whatever
Alena: bye daddy! Bye Uncles!
Joe: bye sweet face, keep an eye on your aunt for us
Alena: you got it Uncle Joe

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