Chapter Nineteen: Finding Out The Truth

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This series is almost over! Should be finished by the new year.

Chapter Nineteen: Finding Out The Truth

With Stella.

When Stella was downstairs she was able to grabbed her phone when her brothers weren't looking and called Sarah.

Sarah: Stella? How did you get your phone?
Stella: no time to explain, meet me at the air port
Sarah: airport? What for?
Stella: I'm going to find answers about my mom
Sarah: woah Stella slow down, you told me your mom died of breast cancer, what so secret about that?
Stella: yeah that's the story my brother's been telling everyone, but I think there's more. My family isn't telling me, and I'm going to find out myself, are you coming or what?
Sarah: where?
Stella: to California
Sarah: California? Are you crazy Stella, on a school night too, my Uncle's would kill me if I travel that far on the school night
Stella: it's the hospital I was born at, I'm going to find answers
Sarah: Stella I think you should just focus on your dad being home, he needs you right now
Stella: my dad's fine he got his memory back
Sarah: seriously?
Stella: yeah he triggered it when we were arguing in front of him, and I'm going to go do the same, find the truth. Did you know my brother called a hypnotic to erase some parts of my memory
Sarah: a hypnotic can't do that, they can try to take the pain away, not erase your memory. Maybe you really don't want to remember Stella, it must be so traumatizing
Stella: *ignores her* there's gotta be a trigger word to trigger my brain to help me remember
Sarah: okay... let's go with that. I honestly think you do remember and don't want to talk about it
Stella: I do not!
Sarah: you do too. You keep it all build up inside you never want to tell us your feelings Stella and that's not great especially when you take it out on us
Stella: stop acting like you know me because you don't! You know what forget, you're useless
Sarah: Stella... I'm just trying to protect you
Stella: STOP IT! I'm tired of that damn word! I'm tired of all of it. stop protecting me! I don't need anybody protection
Sarah: I'm sorry Stella
Stella: goodbye Sarah *hangs up and slams her phone on the table*

Stella grabs a bag and starts packing some clothes. Stella wasn't sure if she should leave during the day, or at night.

With the boys:
Dad: so... all that happened while I was gone right
Kevin: yeah dad and we tried everything and she still not listening to us. Maybe she will listen to you now that you're back
Dad: you boys are doing the right thing. Stella knows I would have put any of you on lock down. I wouldn't have the guts to do it with her because she's my baby. But you guys did exactly how I would have done it with you guys
Kevin: see and that part she doesn't understand. She wasn't around in our childhood
Dad: I told you guys spoiling her is going to make her act this way. Stella be having too many privileges and it time she realize that
Nick: what are we supposed to do dad, she was born a rich kid. She doesn't understand the struggles we went through at her age
Dad: have you been taking things away
Kevin: just her cellphone
Dad: well we are going to do more than that, come with me. Stella in for a surprise, she's going to be on permanent lockdown

The boys head upstairs to Stella's room, and their dad turn to them and said.

Dad: you boys took her door away
Boys: yes sir
Dad: then where the hell is she

The brothers looked into the room to find her missing and the search the room for her.

Dad: Stella Nicole come out now
No answer.

Nick: uh... guys... *picks up the note off her bed*
Kevin: well read it
Nick: okay, okay.  I'm sorry I have to do this to you again boys
Dad: again? She done this before
JB: shhhh
Dad: don't shh me boys
JB: sorry sir
Nick: as I was saying. I'm sorry I have to do this to you again boys. I'm not running away, I went to go find answers since you guys won't tell me about mom. I'm going back to the hospital where it all started
Joe: she's crazy right? She has to be crazy
Kevin: come on boys let's go, she couldn't have gone far
Dad: I'll stay home in case she comes back. She's going to wish she never left her room

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