Chapter Eighteen: Family Secrets

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Chapter Eighteen:

Stella's Dream:
Stella stood in dark room, she was having a peaceful dream with her and her family reuniting and her dad having his memory back, but everything went south when something triggered in her brain.

???: you don't want to remember
Stella: *confuse* remember what? Who are you?
???: I'm your memory, I'm the one that remembers everything including what happened at the hospital
Stella: why don't you want me to remember?
Stella's Memory: because someone you thought you love hurt you the most and you wouldn't want to experience that again. Stay away! Don't try to look for answers, I know you
Stella: is it really that bad
Stella's Memory: you'll find out one day, just not right now

Stella shot out of bed and Joe was there next day.

Joe: hey you okay, you were speaking in your sleep
Stella: *burst into tears* why doesn't it want me to remember
Joe: shh *comforts her* it's okay. What doesn't want you to remember
Stella: about why my memory was erased, she came to me in my dream
Joe: *alerted* who?
Stella: the part that remembers everything
Joe: see Stella, even yourself is begging you not to remember
Stella: but what was so bad and traumatizing that you guys would want me to me to forget
Joe: it's not like super bad but it's bad like you don't want to remember because you always thought this person would love you unconditionally
Stella: oh
Joe: just dropped the subject for now Stella, at least now you know why
Stella: *sighs* okay
Joe: come on get back to bed, you got school in the morning

Stella nods and rest her head on the pillow, Joe looked worried that she might try to triggered her thoughts but left it alone and let her rest. He did not want her to find out the truth on what their mother did to her.

When Stella got home from school that day she went in the house to go look for her family. Stella sees her family gathered around and Kevin was showing him the family album.

Stella: daddy!
Dad: hey pumpkin, Kevin told me you were at school
Stella: yes
Kevin: was school even better than today
Stella: Kevin... school is school. So... anything?
JB: *shakes head*

Stella sighs but fakes smiles at her dad.

Stella: you will be okay daddy I promise, everything will get better. I know what it's like to not remember anything

Stella glares at her brothers while hugging her dad and the boys looked away ashamed.

Dad: it just sucks, I wish I can remember all of you. I miss so much of all your life, *to Kevin* your wedding, your kids. Both my boys engagement *to Nick and Joe* and you watching my pumpkin grow up *to Stella*
Kevin: hey dad what matters is that you're here now. Plus you get to be here for your second grand child
Dad: Kevin, I know you're trying to cheer me up but it's not going to work. I just wish I can remember it all
Joe: dad it's okay, what you experience is very traumatic, you don't want to trigger anything in your mind
Stella: or when dad gets back to full health maybe you can hypnotize his memory away like you did with mine
Joe: Stella... I know you're still pissed at us but please understand why we did what we had to do

Stella huffs and gets up and grabs her back pack off the ground

Stella: I'm going upstairs, ya'll pissed me off
Kevin: Stella... someone has to be with you
Stella: I don't care! *goes up*
Nick: should we let her be...
Kevin: will give her minute to cool off. I don't want to stress her out even more, remember what doctor says we don't want to triggered any seizure with her brain tumor
Dad: she has a brain tumor?
Kevin: well you kind of already knew this but you lost your memory but I guess we can tell you again
Joe: wait a minute... Stella?

It was quiet until Stella hurt herself on the poll of the stairs trying to walk up but she already got caught listening in because the boys heard her.

Joe: come down here now!

Stella was standing by the stairs and they looked up at her.

Joe: did you hear any of that?
Stella: n-
Joe: don't lie
Stella: how did you know? Nick and Kevin didn't even pick up on that
Joe: you didn't slams your door like you normally do when you're pissed off. So I figured you were by the stairs listening in
Stella: oh...
Kevin: what do you know?
Stella: I know that I have a brain tumor
Nick: so you were listening in, Joe was right
Stella: what's the problem of me knowing that. Isn't that something I'm supposed to already know about myself
Kevin: yes but we don't want you to worry
Stella: but I should worry, it's my life, my health and that's a big part of my life that you guys kept from me! You guys have always told me I be keeping secrets from you, but you guys kept way worse secrets from me, you guys are such hypocrites!

In the middle of their fight back and forth their dad went into shock and memories in head started flowing around but the family was too busy arguing with each other to noticed.

Joe: we keep secrets to protect you, you do it to spite us that's the difference. Plus you admitted it
Kevin: see dad this is what she does, she think theirs no consequences to her actions, when the real you come back you would understand since this is how you use to parent us
Dad: I just feel bad I miss so much of you guys life that I didn't even know
Joe: huh, what? Is that you talking or...
Dad: I remember Joseph, I remember everything

Joe grew shocked because his dad always called him by his real name never Joe.

Joe: dad... do you remember now?
Stella: *gasp* what's my name?
Dad: Stella Nicole Jonas, you were born on June 15, 2003 , at around 8 am in
Sacramento, CA hospital
Stella: *gasp* you do remember! I love you daddy *hugs him*
Dad: I think it was you guys fighting that triggered the memories
Nick: we should fight more often
Dad: don't push it son, I'm just so glad I can remember you baby
Stella: I miss you so much daddy. I really thought you were gone
Dad: I'm here and I'm never leaving you ever. But I agree with the boys, there's some things you don't want to trigger and you need to leave it alone
Stella: but-
Dad: leave it alone Stella
Stella: fine...
Dad: I swear you act just like your mother
Stella: why don't you ever talk to her about me? None of you guys have
Dad: Stella, I don't want to talk about your mother right now
Stella: but-
Kevin: Stella, you heard what dad said. Stop it, give dad a break please he just got his memory back
Stella: *mumbles* I hate this family
Dad: excuse me young lady
Stella: I said... I. Hate. This. Family! Do you not understand the words that are coming out of my mouth
Joe: oh Stella...
Dad: *furious* go to your room
Stella: but-
Dad: stop it with the buts! How dare you talk to me like that, you know better than that
Stella: *stands up and cross arm* no
Kevin: Stella... you heard what dad said
Stella: and I said no! I'm tired of you guys pushing me around like a bully! Ow!

Stella said after being cut off by her dad smacked her butt 3 times.

Dad: NOW young lady

Stella glares at them and stomps up the stairs to her room.

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