Chapter Ten: Stella's New Puppy

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Chapter Ten: Stella's New Puppy

Stella was playing with her new puppy and Joe said as they watched her play with it.

Joe: have you thought of a name yet
Stella: nope not yet
Nick: you guys aren't going to believe this! Our interview went number 1
Kevin: what? No way
Nick: Yes! All thanks to our cute adorable little sister
Stella: you're welcome
Nick: James said he would love to have you on again in the future. Apparently Stella has a famous line now, everyone loves the quotes when she said "all I want to do is stay home and eat chips" suddenly it's a meme
Stella: well what can I say, the people love me

Just then the front door opened and the family looked surprised and looked up when Audrey and Sarah came in.

Audrey/Sarah: you got the puppy!
Stella: yeah you guys wanna play with her
Audrey/Sarah: yes!
Kevin: you two just randomly like to walk into people house, what if one of us was naked?
Audrey: chill old man, Stella invited us over
Kevin: *to the boys* did she just call me old, *tries to step towards her but the boys pulled her back* wait a minute home girl
Stella: Kevy, please... these are my guest not yours
Kevin: *raise eyebrow*
Stella: sir...
Kevin: They may be your guest young lady, but in this house we ring doorbells and you respect your elders, do you understand me girls?
Girls: yes sir
Sarah: *covers Audrey's mouth* we promise to ring the doorbell before we come in sir
Kevin: thank you, and Audrey next time you wanna call me old or disrespect me again, I'm calling your father and have him deal with it
Audrey: yes sir
Kevin: that's more like it *leaves*
Audrey: ugh, I hate when my dad and your brother are friends, he always tells him everything and gets me in trouble. He never does that with my mom
Stella: your dad probably told Kevin if she ever gives you hard time to call him not your mom
Audrey: that sounds like him
Stella: yeah Kevin always liked that, don't mind him
Audrey: How do you guys put up with his rules?
Nick: it isn't so bad, yeah he treats us like a baby but sometimes he's fair
Joe: and we do tend to make him frustrated and push him at times but what siblings doesn't
Audrey: right
Sarah: I think Kevin sometimes forget that's he's our brother not our father
Nick: well it isn't his fault, he had to grow up to fast to look after us
Stella: I sometimes worry about Kevin, like I want him to take care of us, but I also want him to sing on stage with you guys more
Joe: Hey, Kevin loves doing his job as our big brother and nothing will change that. Plus there's nothing wrong with balancing both and he does a great job at it

Kevin heard what his family said about him and smiled at them before walking away.

Later that night.

Kevin and Dani were fixing there's bed getting ready to sleep.

Kevin: Hey Dani, do you think I changed?
Dani: What do you mean changed?
Kevin: I overheard the guys, Stella and her friends  talking about me and...
Dani: don't take what they say seriously Kev they don't mean it
Kevin: don't worry, it's kind of a good thing and they're right. I did have to grow up so fast to look after my siblings at my parents passed away
Dani: Well you did, and I'm proud of you for that. Plus I get to spend more time with you before you do JB Stuff
Kevin: that too *kiss her* I love you

Kevin and Dani heard scratching at the door and they groaned and Kevin got up to answer it to find Stella and her puppy.

Kevin: Stella... I thought I put you to bed hours ago
Stella: I did, but then my puppy woke me up. I think somethings wrong with her
Kevin: *sighs* let's take a look shall we *lift dog up*

Dani: What's going on? Why is Stella awake?
Kevin: Stella thinks something is wrong with the puppy
Dani: already
Kevin: *looks the puppy over* doesn't seem to be having issues looks pretty normal *gets lick on* yeah it just playful sweetheart
Stella: can I play with it
Dani: sorry sweetheart its bed time
Kevin: will just keep her locked in the cage and will walk her in the morning when we walk Riley
Stella: nooo... dont lock her in the doggy jail. She doesn't like it that much
Kevin: how would you know that
Stella: because she doesn't
Kevin: Stella... what aren't you telling me...
Stella: *sighs* I hear cry sometimes so I take her out and bring her to my bed
Kevin: You know you're not allowed to have her in your room while we are training her. That's one of the rules
Stella: I know Kevy, but I think she's lonely. She's not used to this new family, plus it isn't easy knowing she doesn't have a name yet
Kevin: well what do you want to name her
Stella: *looks at the dog* when I look at her I see... Paisley, that's it, I'll name her Paisley!
Dani: that's a unique name for a dog
Joe: Kevin, Stella's not in her room!
Kevin: relax Joe, she's in here!
Joe: *comes in* What is going on? Why is she up
Kevin: she claims something was wrong with her new dog Paisley
Joe: Paisley? That's what you decided to name her
Stella: yup!
Pasikey: *bark*
Kevin: she seems to like it, she's a little playful right now, need to put her to bed
Stella: can she stay with me pleaseeee I will calm her down
Kevin: Alright, but no bed. She isn't potty trained. Joseph watch her and make sure she goes to bed
Joe: yes sir, come on kiddo

Kevin gives Stella the puppy and leaves the room with Joe. Dani wraps her arm around Kevin's waist and says.

Dani: you know you're a great brother right
Kevin: I know
Dani: I love you
Kevin: I love you too.

Chapter Endnotes:
Back to writing stories with Kevin in it and yes I'm officially off Kevin Jonas strike as of today because of the Jonas Brothers latest tiktok.

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