Chapter Eight: Makeup Disaster

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Chapter 8: Makeup Disaster

Stella sneaks quietly into Kevin and Dani's bedroom and says.

Stella: Kevyyyyy, Dannnnii. Are you home?
*no answer*
Stella: hehehe perfect *goes over to Dani's vanity* ooo make up *plays in Dani's make up*

With Joe and Nick:

Joe: *comes in* hey where's Stella
Nick: I thought she was with you
Joe: I thought she was with you
Nick: if Stella was here, I would knock her into next week for bothering me while I'm trying to finish this song
Joe: Nicholas, you know Kevin will knock you off your head if he heard you talking about hitting Stella like that
Nick: I wasn't actually going to do it. I was just aggravating
Joe: good

Just then the boys jumped when they heard a loud bang coming from upstairs and Joe and Nick yelled.

Joe/Nick: Stella!

They both ran up the stairs to see the commotion.

With Stella:

Stella was playing in Dani's make up and then she noticed that Dani always had her lights on when she does her make up, and went to look for the light switch, when she did the vanity tipped over and made a loud bang.

Stella: oh no, oh no
Joe/Nick: Stella?!

Stella quickly hid in the closet when she heard Nick and Joe yell her name.

Joe: *comes into Kevin's room* What is she doing here? Stella babe, are you in here?
Nick: Joe, look, she's definitely been in here
Joe: what's she's doing playing with Dani's make up
Nick: *lift the vanity* yikes glass broken, Dani's going to freak out
Kevin: boys! I'm home!
Joe: That can't be good. One of us was supposed to be watching Stella! If he finds out what she did, we are both dead
Nick: Well what are we supposed to do! We can't lie to Kevin
Joe: I know... will just have to tell him the truth
Kevin: Where are you guys?
Nick: will be down in a minute Kev! Quick we need to cover this up

Joe and Nick went to find a cover in the closet only to find Stella hiding in it.

Stella: *looks shy* hi...
Joe: *sighs* Stella... *lift her out of the closet*
Stella: I know I'm not supposed to be in here, but I couldn't help it
Nick: it's not your fault, we should have been watching you
Stella: But I was told not to be in the room. Dani's going to be so mad at me
Kevin: what's going on here *looks around the room* What happened?
Joe: Now Kevin, don't be mad at Stella, it's our fault. We should have been the one watching her
Kevin: Stella knows she isn't allowed in here without any of us with her, right young lady
Stella: *quiet voice* yes... *hides face in Joe's chest*
Kevin: do you guys mind if I talk to Stella alone
Stella: no! Don't leave me *clings to Joe* he's going to spank me
Kevin: i promise I won't spank you without hearing you first
Stella: *sighs* okay

Joe kissed her forehead and placed her on the bed along with Nick and they both left the room but before Nick did he said.

Nick: take an easy on her Kev, she's just a kid

Nick left and Stella looked at him through her bangs slightly.

Kevin: *sighs* Stella, I said I was going to hear your side, what's up?
Stella: I wanted to wear Dani's make up
Kevin: for what? You're too young for makeup
Stella: for school pictures
Kevin: and you know you're not allowed to have make up at school, it's against the rules
Stella: I know
Kevin: now ask me again, why I shouldn't punish you right now
Stella: cause I was told not to come in here after Dani told me not to touch her makeup because they're expensive
Kevin: exactly, how are we going to pay for this vanity
Stella: *shrugs shoulder* I don't know, with your money
Kevin: and...
Stella: I guess I have to do chores around the house to pay you back
Kevin: Good girl, now I ask. Do you think you deserve a spanking for what you did?
Stella: uh... I think chores is enough
Kevin: *raise eyebrow* Do you think you learned your lesson after what you did today?
Stella: *shakes head* no...
Kevin: So I asked again, do you deserve this spanking?
Stella: *shakes head shyly* yes sir
Kevin: Alright then, let's get this over with. After the spanking I want you to apologize to Dani.
Stella: yes sir

Kevin sat on his bed and pulled Stella over his lap and started giving her the spanking over her jeans with his hand. Stella squirmed slightly as Kevin's hand swatted her whole backside. She was just thankful her bottom was covered and that he didn't use anything else.

Stella: I'm sorry Kevy
Kevin: I know baby shh, now next time you don't listen about this rule, you're getting the hairbrush and this time no protection
Stella: *squirms* yes sir
Kevin: I love you kid
Stella: I love you too

The boys were helping Dani bring in the grocery when Kevin and Stella walked down the stairs together.

Dani: I was wondering where you two were, what's wrong?
Kevin: Stella, would you like to tell Dani what you did upstairs
Stella: uh... I touch your makeup and ruined your vanity
Dani: oh, well I'm sure Kevin already dealt with it, thank you for being honest with me Stella
Stella: So you're not mad?
Dani: things can always be replaced Stella. What matters is that you're safe and okay
Stella: thanks Dani *hugs her*
Dani: oh you're welcome sweetie
Kevin: Now Stella also promise to help out around the house with chores
Dani: oh... would you like to help me put the grocery's away and help me with dinner
Stella: okay

Stella helped Dani with the groceries well as Kevin.

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