Chapter Four: Uncle Josh

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Chapter 4:
After the Stella's incident, their Uncle Josh came over to watch the kids for the weekend. Stella was playing her game boy in the living room while watching television with her Uncle Josh. Kevin came in and sees what they're doing and Kevin said to Stella.

Kevin: Stella, I thought I told you 1 hour
Stella: but Kevin... please 1 more hour
Josh: Stella, listen to your brother, and watch the movie with me
Stella: but I wanna play more Mario Kart
Kevin: you're done with videos games for today. I don't want you so wrapped up in it, it's not good for the eyes. Speaking of us, what did I say about your glasses
Stella: do I have to wear them?
Kevin: yes, your supposed to wear them when you're seeing things in front of you
Stella: *pouts* fine...
Josh: do you argue like this all the time with your brother?
Stella: *mumbles* sometimes...
Josh: Stella...
Stella: he isn't being fair
Josh: he's just looking after your well being sweetheart
Stella: well he's doing a terrible job at it
Josh: Stella!
Kevin: it's fine Uncle Josh, she can stay in her bedroom in timeout
Stella: *whines* I don't want to be in timeout
Kevin: then behave yourself and do as we say
Stella: you're mean
Kevin: well think about how mean I am, while your nose is waiting in the corner of the room
Stella: I'm too old for timeout
Kevin: are you going to do as I saw? Or am I gonna have to take away your game privileges
Stella: Kevin...
Kevin: Stella...

Stella frowns and slams her game boy in Kevin's hand and stomp over to the corner.

Kevin: someone needs a 5 minute cool down
Josh: I say 10, I don't like the tone of her voice when she's talking to us
Stella: but-
Kevin: are you allowed to speak when you're in timeout
Stella: *shakes head no*
Kevin: face the wall

Stella sighs and faced the wall and lean her head on the wall.

Josh: stand up straight young lady

Stella groans and picked up her head and starts swaying on her feet back and forth.

Josh: does she talk to you like that all the time?
Kevin: sometimes...
Josh: and what do you do about it
Kevin: I mostly send her to her room to cool off or timeout, she's just probably having a bad day
Josh: bad day or not she knows better then talk back at an adult, isn't that right young lady?

Stella just stayed silence in the corner ignoring them.

Josh: if she gives you a hard time about it, what else do you do?
Kevin: I would normally take away her game boy or iPad
Josh: that's it?
Kevin: yeah why?
Josh: what about spanking
Kevin: she didn't do anything bad
Josh: you know if your dad was here right now he would be giving your sister more than a timeout right now
Kevin: she didn't throw a tantrum and she's not giving me a hard time about the timeout, which means it's working
Stella: Kevin... can I come out now?
Josh: Stella, it hasn't been 10 minutes yet
Stella: I wasn't talking to you, is your name Kevin? No.
Josh: Stella Ni-
Kevin: I got this Uncle Josh, little girl. You know better than to talk back at us especially when you're on time out.
Stella: so why dont you just spank me instead
Kevin: is that what you want?
Stella: no but since Uncle Josh is so eager to want to give me a spanking, why not give it to him

Kevin gives his uncle a look.

Kevin: see what I mean, Stella don't pay any mind to your uncle, it's my responsibility to look after you not him
Josh: Kevin...
Kevin: no, mom and dad put me in charge not you. I'm sorry that mom didn't put you on the Will to look after us, but if you just trust me with this, you would know I'm doing a good job with Stella, Joe and Nick and sometimes spanking doesn't always work with discipline. Kids just need to be told what they did was wrong and if they don't listen then a spanking is what's needed. I don't want to give them a spanking for every wrong thing they do. It's not who I am
Josh: what about the weed thing?
Kevin: I didn't know Joe was hiding them in the house, that was an accident
Josh: an accident that put Stella in the hospital
Kevin: *angry* Stella, go to your room right now!
Stella: yes sir *leaves corner and runs upstairs* Joe! Nick! I think there's trouble downstairs

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