Chapter Sixteen: He's Back

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In case you want to know who Kevin Sr. Will be played as in my book, here he is! Yes I picked John Winchester from Supernatural aka Jeffery Dean Morgan. Cause I feel like his character relate a lot to this one than the real Kevin Sr. I'm changing Audrey's grandfather so John will be Bobby instead.

Chapter 16: He's Back!

The next day.

Stella came home school and finds her brothers home waiting on her.

Stella: I'm home
Kevin: oh good, did you love our lovely surprise
Stella: did you guys have to get me a bodyguard, do not trust me at school either
JB: nope
Stella: it felt awkward having a body guard at school, my friends felt a little bit intimidated. I'm surprise my teachers said it wasn't a distraction
Kevin: we made the school aware of the situation. Glad he made sure you got home safe
Stella: is this really necessary
Kevin: yea Stella it is, you need to understand the seriousness of your actions lately. So until we can learn to trust you again, you will have your freedom back
Stella: fine... when are we going to the rehabilitation?
Kevin: tomorrow
Stella: Joe walk with me upstairs
Kevin: no you're going to do your school work down here while I can keep an eye out while the boys got out
Stella: where are they going?
Kevin: double date
Stella: ooo... tell the girls how you're keep me trapped at home like a prisoner *drop her backpack on the ground and sits on the chair*
Joe: I'm sure they would agree, bye have fun in prison with Kevin
Stella rolled her eyes and Nick and Joe left and got her school work done.

Stella: where is Dani and Alena?
Kevin: went to go visit her grandmother
Stella: oh
Kevin: but they did say they would make it back before you came, I wonder what's holding them up

Just as he said that Alena and Dani came through the living room house and Dani said.

Dani: you march yourself right up to your room right now
Alena: NO!
Dani: Alena...
Alena: NO!
Stella: I'll take her
Dani: no she needs to learn when to do things herself instead of us babying her all the time
Alena: I want Aunty Stella not you *hugs her*
Kevin: Alena that wasn't very nice, apology to your mother
Alena: NO!
Stella: seriously, I got her guys *takes Alena and rush her up the steps before Kevin and Dani could say anything.
Dani: see, see Kevin, this is what I'm talking about. She's the reason our daughter is acting the way she is
Kevin: excuse me? How is that my sister fault
Dani: she doesn't see any fault in what she is doing, anytime we try to discipline Alena she takes her away from us
Kevin: I think the boys and I take full responsibility for that because we always use to baby her. It took a while to finally discipline her after we thought dad passed away
Dani: how is she dealing with that by the way?
Kevin: she said she's fine
Dani: but you don't believe her
Kevin: not a chance
Dani: and the boys?
Kevin: um... they like to handle things in their own way
Dani: I'm guessing not well, shouldn't you be...
Kevin: oh damn right *runs up the steps*

With Alena and Stella:
Stella carried Alena into her open room because her brothers had removed the door.

Alena: why you don't have a door?
Stella: *puts her gently on the bed* cause I'm grounded
Alena: what grounded means?
Stella: basically a prison in your own home
Alena: is aunty Stella going to jail!
Stella: no sweetie I'm not. How to praise it better than a 3 year old can understand. Basically what I meant is I'm not allowed to leave the house unless I'm with an adult
Alena: that's terrible
Stella: you're telling me
Kevin: *comes in* try to be a little sneak are we
Stella: leave her alone she's just a baby *hugs her tight*
Kevin: we're not mad at Alena, however you need to stop getting in between Danielle and I when we are trying to discipline her. Alena is in her terrible twos stages and she's not happy with the being big sister
Alena: I'm the only baby!
Stella: can I talk to her?
Kevin: sure, I'll be here
Stella: right... forgot sorry *to Alena* you know when I was a baby of the family, I was jealous of you
Alena: really? But you like me now
Stella: yeah but before I didn't like it when my brothers were giving you all the attention and I thought they didn't love me anymore
Alena: what did you do to get them to love you again
Stella: I ran away
Kevin: and that was the stupid mistake she ever done
Stella: *blushed*
Alena: that was very dumb Aunt Stella
Stella: I know, we talked about it and they told me they still love me regardless and then I got my as-butt kicked
Kevin: damn right you did and I don't ever want you to run away either Alena
Alena: I know...
Kevin: your mother and I love you very much, you will always be our first baby. It will be hard to balance you both because baby needs a lot of attention like you did when you were a baby
Stella: plus you always got me if you ever feel left out by your parents and the new baby
Kevin: and you got your uncle's too, Priyanka and Sophie
Alena: okay
Kevin: now go apologize to your mother and tell her you're sorry for the way you acted towards her
Alena: do I have too...
Kevin: yes you do, you were very nasty with your mother today pulling a tantrum, you know better than to do that young lady
Alena: I'm sorry
Kevin: I know go tell her that

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