Chapter Two: Snitches gets Stitches

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Chapter 2:

When Kevin and Stella got home on Friday, they found Nick in the family room playing the piano.

Kevin: we're home from the doctor!
Nick: hey... how did it go?
Kevin: come on Stella show him your new glasses
Stella: I look like a dork
Kevin: Stella, you're not a dork in them. You will look intelligent
Stella: okay... *puts glasses on*
Nick: those are really cute Stella
Stella: *takes off* thanks for trying. I know you're just trying to make me feel better about them
Nick: Stella, I really mean it. They're not that bad. Glasses really suits you.
Kevin: and what did I tell you about wearing your glasses
Stella: keep it on if I can't see in front of me
Kevin: good girl
Stella: but it's ugly
Kevin: Stella... you're wearing those glasses when you need them, end of discussion
Stella: ughhhh!!!! *storms up the stairs and slams door*
Kevin: *takes deep breath* 1 Mississippi... 2 Mississippi... 3 Mississippi...-
Nick: what are you doing?
Kevin: Dani told me, whenever I get into argument with you guys, I should start counting
Nick: does it work?
Kevin: depends on the situation
Nick: in that case, would it be a good time to tell you about the scratch on your car?
Kevin: what?!
Nick: uh... never-mind Joe did it
Kevin: 4 Mississippi... 5 Mississippi...
Nick: I'm out *grabs his music sheets and runs upstairs
Kevin: wait a minute, you don't even have your license yet!
Nick: *pokes head back* that's for another story *leaves*
Kevin: NICK! *goes after him*
Stella: *sees Kevin coming up the stairs* what's going on?
Kevin: go back to your room Stella
Stella: if something wrong, I can help. I'm a very good helper
Kevin: honey this is a grown up thing *walks in Nick's room* what the hell do you mean you scratch my car?
Stella: ooo Nick is in trouble, I better go tell Joe. JOOOOSSSEEEPPPHHH!!!! *goes into Joe's bedroom*
Nick: as in my friend took the car for a joy ride...
Kevin: you just told me you road it
Nick: yeah I said that, so I wouldn't get my friend in trouble
Kevin: who is this friend you been hanging out with Nick? You don't even go to school?
Nick: Joe
Kevin: Joseph!
Joe: *pokes head in the room* yeah!
Kevin: did you allow Nicholas to drive my car
Joe: no, what type of brother would I be allowing my 15 year old brother to do that
Nick: 15 1/2
Kevin: zip it Nicholas, you're in enough trouble as is
Nick: why? What did I do?
Kevin: you took my car without my permission, which is ILLEGAL because you don't have a license and you need someone 25 or older and you lied to me about it
Nick: well I can't go driving with you since you're not even close to 25 yet, how else was I supposed to get some practice?
Kevin: I told you that grandpa was gonna teach you
Nick: how can you even take care of us, if you're not even old enough to do certain things
Kevin: this band is the only thing keeping our family from splitting up. I'm trying my damn best here to protect you guys and not get you in trouble and end up in the foster care. Do you guys want to end up in foster care?
Nick/Joe: no
Kevin: then stop doing reckless things and start telling me the truth. Joe you won't end up in the foster system because you're 18, but you need to be a big brother to Nick and Stella right now and stop thinking this is okay
Joe: sorry Kev
Nick: me too
Kevin: how long ago was this?
Nick: 2 weeks, we were going to tell you, but the scratch wasn't that bad, so we decided not to say anything
Kevin: I'm not mad at the fact that you scratch my car. I'm mad at the fact that you guys lied to me about it. What if you two gotten hurt in the car? I would be responsible because it was my car you guys were in, not only that, but I would have lost the two of you. Do you know what would have done to me and Stella? We already lost mom and dad, we don't need to lose you guys too
Nick: I guess we didn't think of that when we got in the car
Joe: yeah, we're sorry we didn't tell you Kev
Kevin: well next time you two better think before you do things. Actually their better not be a next time, are we clear?
Nick/Joe: yes sir
Kevin: you two are grounded. Since it took you two weeks to tell me, you will be grounded for those 2 weeks
Joe: why grounded? We never leave the house anyways
Nick: Joe... be quiet! Don't give him ideas!
Kevin: I wasn't finish anyways, you two will also be receiving a spanking with the belt. You two know how it is in this family when one of us screws up.
Joe: but we haven't been spanked since dad left town
Kevin: well dad put me in charge after he left and he said, I get to choose how I should discipline you guys
Joe: this is so not fair!
Kevin: excuse me Joseph?
Joe: I'm 18, an adult. I'm not getting a spanked by my own brother
Kevin: Joe... what did dad tell you when he left for Iraq?
Joe: to not listen to you, that's for sure
Kevin: Joseph
Joe: *sighs* fine... he said that you were in charge which means you're allowed to make the decisions about how you should discipline us, however you see fits
Kevin: thank you, and a spanking is what the two of you need right now
Nick: you should have just kept your mouth shut Joe
Joe: shut up Nick! It's your fault we are in this mess in the first place, snitch
Nick: I am not a snitch
Joe: *shoves him* snitches get stitches
Kevin: *pulls Joe back* knock it off! *takes belt off* bend over Nick's bed you two *close door* I don't want Stella walking in on us
Joe: I told her she can listen to my music in my room anyways when she came into my room
Kevin: good

Nick and Joe bend over the edge of Nick's bed and Nick got 15 with the belt, while Joe got 18. When it was over, the brothers hugged it out and Kevin said.

Kevin: I love you guys so much. Please don't do anything reckless like that again. Think before you do things
Joe/Nick: *sniffles* yes sir
Kevin: *puts belt back on* alright, you guys are free to go. I'm gonna go check on Stella *leaves*
Joe: ahhhh.... that belt hurt like a mother fucker
Nick: who hits worst, dad or Kevin?
Joe: definitely dad, he was in the marine after all
Nick: I agree, I'm sorry I got you in trouble
Joe: I'm sorry we got into the car in the first place
Nick: it was my decision too
Joe: but I'm the older brother, I'm supposed to look after you
Nick: you been looking after me for the pass 15 years of my life. I don't need you or Kevin's protection
Joe: I know, but I worry about you sometimes.
Nick: I'm okay, really... don't worry about it
Joe: alright...

Chapter End Notes:

It's been a long time since I allowed Kevin to spank his brothers in my story. So I decided to make that a thing again instead of just the sister being spanked, because it wouldn't be fair since Nick is 15 in this story since this is based in 2008. Right after their When You Look Me In The Eye Tour and Camp Rock movie.

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