Chapter Nine: Stella's First Interview

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Chapter Nine:

The Jonas Brothers were doing an interview this weekend and they asked Stella if she wanted to be a part of it and of course she agreed because she wanted to be in the spotlight. Dani was fixing Stella's curls after she put them in pigtails.

Stella: I look so pretty
Dani: honey... if you don't stop twirling your dress...
Stella: sorry
Dani: it's alright, I know your just excited
Stella: I totally am! I love the attention and I can be up late past my bedtime!
Dani: well it's called the Late Late show for a reason
Kevin: *comes in* how are my beautiful girls doing
Stella: Kevy!
Kevin: Well, aren't you adorable in those pigtails? Are you two ready?
Dani: yup she is all set
Stella: yay! Thanks Dani *hugs her and runs to Kevin* how are we getting there!
Kevin: *looks at her curiously* have you had any candy?
Stella: uh... no...
Kevin: *gives look*
Stella: Nicky, might have
Kevin: *swats butt* no candy, and stop the lying*
Stella: ow, yes sir, but Nicky gave it to me
Kevin: and I will talk to him about that later
Nick/Joe: *comes into the room* hello...
Joe: y'all ready to go
Nick: the limo waiting outside for us
Stella: limo let's go!!! *grabs Joe hand*

Joe: what are you so cheery about *leaves rooms with Stella*
Nick: *about to leave* Are you guys coming?
Kevin: in a minute *smack Nick's butt*
Nick: ow!
Kevin: that's for making that girls hyper before her bed time, you're going to be the one to tire her out
Nick: I only did it because she was bugging me
Kevin: do it again and your butt will be sore next interview.
Nick: yes sir
Kevin: Did you change your pod?
Nick: *roll eyes* yes daddd...
Kevin: don't sass me, I'm serious. Last time you went into interview you forgot to do a pod change and remember what you said afterwards
Nick: the f bomb *blush* Sorry, why do you always gotta treat me like a baby? Why can't you treat me like Joe
Kevin: cause Joe gotta grow up too fast to help me out with Stella. When you get to the age, we will talk. You maybe 16 but you're still my baby brother *gives him a nuggie*
Nick: Not cool dude!
Dani: Alright boys, cool it. Don't you have an interview to get too?
Nick/Kevin: yes mommmm *laughs*
Dani: you guys suck
Kevin: aww, I'm sorry babe *kiss her* Come on, let's go. I don't think Joe can calm down the little monster for long

When they arrived at the interview Stella was pulling on Joe's arm.

Stella: come on Joeeyyyy
Joe: Nick, this is your fault. You handle her sugar rush
Nick: *blush* sorry
Stella: come on Nicky, I gotta go potty
Joe: Have fun!

Nick groans and follows Stella to the bathroom.

The boys were in the dressing room getting their makeup on.

Stella: Dani, how come the boys get to wear makeup but not me?
Dani: That's a good question Stella. Kevin handled it.
Kevin: well baby because we are professional rockstars and you don't need makeup because you're beautiful without it
Stella: you guys are beautiful without it too
Kevin: aww thank you baby, and no you can't have any, so don't go try asking the makeup artist after I told them no
Stella: rats
Makeup Lady: I think it's good for her age to start practicing, have you ever considered that for her
Kevin: yes and you know what she did with that learning process she got caught doing make up at school.
Stella: *squirms* It's forbidden to wear make-up at my school. I go to an all girls Catholic school
Makeup Lady: sorry kid I tried
Stella: thanks anyways, nothing you would have said would have changed it anyways

A man came out and told the boys that it was almost show time. Stella and Dani wished them both luck until it was Stella time to come out.

When Stella was called out the stage, everyone aww at her and she sat down next to Nick.

Stella: hi
James Corden: hi how are you, isn't it past your bedtime?
Stella: Kevy says I can stay up a little longer
Audience: awww
James Corden: Do you have nicknames for each of your brothers?
Stella: yes, I sometimes call Nick, Nicky or Bubba, I call Joe, Joey and Kevin, Kevy
Joe: we call her Brat because she can be a brat at times

Good Luck Stella Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora