Chapter 37 (final)

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So yes this is the final, I honesty didn't like this book much but some of you guys did so thank you for that. It is my first book so please don't blame me, I do have another book but I want to have a lot of chapters done before publishing, due to me not updating quick because I'm always busy. Thanks for the support and votes I really appreciate it.

~Valerie's POV~

"So as I told you over the phone I've been searching for so long and I finally have everything and I mean everything ready" the police man said glancing at me.

"Okay well can we have the news already?" Henry asked looking worried and irritated.

"Well first I have to do something" he stood up and grabbed his handcuffs.

What was he doing?

My question was answered when my arms were thrown behind me and handcuffed together.

Well I guess it's all over, the marriage, the family I wanted, everything put to waist.

"What the hell are you doing?" Henry said looking very confused.

"Turns out your little wife here is the cause of everything. That morning she cooked for you two she poisoned Anna. I only know that because of this bottle" he raised the bottle into the air.

Henry's face was plastered with so many emotions.

One was definitely anger.

"Look I don't know what your talking about" I said trying to play it off.

"You know what I'm talking about, he kidnapped you and you wanted a way out" he said leaning back.

Henry stood up, threw the chair he was sitting in across the room, then walked out crying.

Oh my gosh what did I do????

~Henry's POV~

I walked out, making sure I slammed the door behind me.

What in the actual hell was he talking about? Val couldn't do something like that or could she? She lied to me!!! She played me like nothing ever happened. That's why she was so scared!

I stood against a wall and my legs went limp. I couldn't help it anymore. I couldn't take all this in. The person I most love, killed my mother!!!!?!?

I sat there for another five minutes, letting my tears take control.

The police man finally stepped out of the room and sat down next to me.

"Hey I know it's hard, but it's good you finally know the truth. The only reason I kept searching that house is because I knew something was up, she was acting very weird that day also. I'm sorry son I can't keep the truth from you." He said embracing me in a hug.

"I just can't believe she's lied all these years. After everything she kept lying! She only used me hoping she could get back to her family. I don't blame her for the family part but I was going to let her go eventually. I just don't know man I don't know what I'm going to do." I said again letting more and more tears flow down like a river.

We walked back into the room. There she was sitting in the same chair with her head down.

Before I knew it I was choking her.

"You killed her you stupid-"

"Let her go son" the police man said holding me back.

"No she killed her now she's dying. I don't care. She played me this whole time, everything was a damn lie. Everything!"

"You killed the person I most love, my mother, savor, doctor, my everything Val. How could you?"

"I-Henry I don't know I just couldn't take it anymore." She said looking down.

"You don't know!!!!" I clenched my fists until they turned pale white.

I swung at her face, hitting 3 punches. I couldn't stop until I felt the police man grabbing my arms.

"If you don't control your self I will have to handcuff you. I don't want to because I know you can control yourself."

"Just take her. Take her to prison, get her out of my life forever, get her out! I never want to see her again, never!"

"Henry ple-"

"Save it 'Val' if you even call yourself that. Your a murderer. I'm not so pissed that you killed her, I'm mad you kept it a secret and lied to my face. Everything was fake!"

"No it wasn't. The only reason I kept it a secret was because I knew you would react like this or worse" she said looking down once again.

"Whatever just get her out of my face before I lose it again."

The officer did as I said. He escorted her out of the room. He said we would talk later when I cooled down I little bit.

It's been one hour I've spent here 30 minutes of them were just arguing with
Valerie. Another 20 cooling down, which resulted in me punching items. The last ten have been dealing with paper work.

The officer took me down to her cell, where she was staying at for now.

"Henry I'm sorry, please forgive me-"

"I don't need your sorries. You obviously weren't sorry when I spent money on you, took you places, married you!"

"Val I've done so many things for you and you don't notice any of them"


"I have nothing else to say other then I LOVED you and watch your back when you get out" I turned around and walked away making every step confident and with every long stride came a smile of pain.

"Henry!!!!!!!! Please!!!" She yelled louder as I walked out.

I closed the door leading to the cells and now I was headed to the one that lead outside.

I opened the door and the sunset was set right in front of my eyes. It looked so beautiful. Who knew a person you trusted so much and the one you would take a bullet for was actually the one pulling the trigger in the first place.
~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~

I'm thinking about a sequel but I'm not completely sure, please let me know if you want one. Comment below👇

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