Chapter 25

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Valerie's POV:
I woke up with a gasp thinking it was a dream, nothing different every time I wake up in this house I think it's a dream, but last night I really have wished it was a dream.

I felt an arm around me and I got scared, I looked over my shoulder and saw Henry laying there. I sighed with relief.

"Mmm uhh" Henry made those noises waking up. I couldn't stand but laugh.
I quickly turned over and pretended I was sleeping, it was dark outside so I'm guessing it's night time I don't even know how much time I've been here but it feels like years.

He was still shifting and turning in the bed, I just laid in the same spot. His arm came back down where it was before, I just sighed. He put his hand inside my shorts and underwear feeling my private area. I flinched and made my body stiff.

"Relax baby I know your not sleeping" he said, giggling.

I relaxed and tried moving his hand but it only made it worse because he put more pressure.

"That hurts" I managed to say, while closing my eyes hoping he would stop.

"I'll slow down if you want?" He said through clenched teeth, he sounded angry, but I'm still sore from earlier, or yesterday.

"It's fine" I said and sighed.

"Look you don't have to be afraid of me I only put an act that way to see if you'll do something or say something. Are you really scared of me?" He asked.

Deep down I knew I wasn't even a bit scared. I had no worries when I was around Henry, if anything I felt safe. I did like him so that had to do with it.

"No I'm not scared of you" I said honestly.

"Good" he said getting on top of me.

"So how bout that round two?" He said feeling down my breasts.

I pushed him off of me and jumped on my feet on the floor.

"No I don't. I'm sore and don't force me because I don't want to and I know you don't want to make me scared of you? Or do you?" I said with confidence.

"Im not going to force you, I'm not a rapist" he said clenching his fists and teeth.

"Before anything happens I need to know what is going to happen."

"With what?" He asked

"With me and you. Are we leaving? How you said?" I asked nervously.

"Yes baby we are I just don't know when, I don't know what to do with the house or when were going to pack everything, but it's going to be soon" he told me grabbing onto my waist.

"Good" is all I said.

"So?" He asked holding me really close and grabbing onto my butt.

"Uhhh!!!" I said getting out of his grip.

"What time is it?"

"Umm it's 11:48 p.m." He answered

"Okay well I'm going back to sleep" I said about to jump but he grabbed my waist again.

"I don't think so" he said turning me around to face him. I got really scared.

He smashed his lips onto mine with so much passion. I kissed back and we began making out like crazy.

"So?" He asked in between breaths.
I wanted to but I was scared it would hurt like last time.

"Umm I don't know" I said shaking.

"Let's make a deal?" He asked

"What kind of deal?" I asked confused.

"If I make you moan from kisses that means I'm going in" my eyes widened.

"What kind of deal is that?" I asked furring my eyebrows.

"So deal or no deal" he asked.

"Your going in either way, so what do I have to lose?" I asked

"Well I guess" is what he said before kissing down my neck. It made me want to moan so bad when he bit it.

Let's just say he won the deal.

TakenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora