Chapter 22

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I'm so sorry for not updating. I hate when authors do that to me so I'll try to update more. Please share this story please please please I will really appreciate it. Thank you loves for even reading it, it makes me so happy to have more people read it each day.
Valerie's POV:

"What do you mean she didn't die of natural causes?" Henry said walking in.

"Well you see, she didn't have a heart attack and there was no illness. I'm not completely sure what she died of, but we will investigate and let you guys know" the cop said looking at me suspiciously.

"Sounds good" my voice was cracking a little bit.

The police men left two hours later after they were done cleaning everything up.

What if I got caught? I would go to prison and Henry would hate me.

I actually started developing a little bit of feelings for him and with him knowing I killed his mother he probably would want to kill me.

"Valerie can you help me with this" Henry said opening the door to Anna's room I was still sitting on her bed thinking about everything that was happening.

"Yeah, what do you need help with"
"I just need to clean some stuff out" Henry said gesturing to some boxes.

I helped him with the dusty boxes, we cleaned out Anna's room, helped organize the funeral, and then we just decided it would be best if we went to bed.

I didn't want to say anything yet about me leaving because I didn't know if I would look suspicious and plus right now isn't the best time.

I would wait until the funeral was over at least.
I can't wait to see my family...

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