Chapter 5

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Valerie's POV

I can't believe my eyes, the man that was suppose to kidnap me just got shot. When the trigger went off I thought I had shot my mother, but I know I didn't pull the trigger and I wasn't planning on it either I was going to turn around fast and shoot him then help untie my family members, but when I turned around I saw a dead man.

I couldn't even believe it and neither did my dad, judging by his look he didn't expect it. When I looked up there was a man walking down the stairs, he had a big black mustache, black slacks on, white casual shirt, black dressy shoes, a big gold watch, a big gold belt on as well, and a sombrero, he looked around the age of 32. "Well I don't have to worry about him anymore" he speaks out. I look at him straight in the eyes and just wonder is he good or is he a part of this as well? "So I guess you don't talk?" He asked with a laugh "why did u kill him?" I ask "well that doesn't really matter right now, Valerie, the important thing is that you didn't pull the trigger, and kill your mother" he says " I wasn't playing on it anyways" I say "it looked pretty close, but anyways getting to the point" he said. I was tightening my grip on the gun and I was still pointing it at him, he didn't look scared or worried at all, if anything he looked like a little kid at Sea World, just watching with enjoyment. "You can stop putting your little show on because I don't know if you've noticed but you don't intimidate me" he says with a laugh. "Why would I stop, so then u can pull out a gun and shoot my family?" I say "okay if you want to see that I won't do anything to your family then just watch" he says. He pulls out a pocket knife, I didn't even think about it twice I quickly put the gun behind my back into the rim of my pants and I charged at him. I tackled him and got the knife, I grabbed it with both my hands and slammed it down so it can stab his stomach, but before I could he grabbed my hand and twisted it, he started to choke me from behind and there was no way I could escape from it. He sat me down in a chair and tied me up, I still had the gun on me so if I could grab it maybe I could try to cut this rope. He pulled the knife out and walked behind my dad's chair, to face me. "Now if I do this you all have to be quiet and stay sitting, if u dare to get up I will shoot the gun I have, and Valerie don't bother getting that gun in your pants I already know you have it, it was very obvious, now to get to the point" he says. He once again grabbed the knife and I closed my eyes i didn't want to see my dad die in front of me.

I opened my eyes after about 1 minute, my dad was still sitting there alive! Now he was standing behind my mom cutting the rope. I was really surprised he untied my parents, but more surprised my dad hasn't done anything. So he unites my parents, kills my kidnapper, and hasn't killed or done anything to me, I'm guessing he's a good guy after all. He's already untied my whole family and is walking over to me. "See I said I wasn't doing anything horrible" he says with a smile "okay I guess I kinda believe you now" I said, still not trusting him. He untied me and I'm just waiting for him to say something. "So wh-" he cut me off "we can have story time in a bit, but first I need your parents to confess something" he says with a weird look "you guys go up stairs and lock your self in a room, I'm leaving you in charge of your little brother, Sabrina" he says to my sister Sabrina which is 23 years-old. My sister looked at my parents then at me confused "there's no one up there just go, trust me you don't want to here this" he says. My sister and brother make there way up stairs and I could just hear the door close and the lock click.

What was so horrible that my brother and sister couldn't hear? Are my parents a part of this? Is that why my dad didn't attack him when he got untied? I don't even know what to think at this point, I'm just waiting for them to say something...

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