Chapter 34

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**Henry's POV**

She screamed and cried. I started to run back to the room and when I entered I started yelling for the doctors. Her eyes fluttered open then closed. They were closing slowly until she was passed out on the floor.

Again I was the blame for everything. I should've just let her go from the beginning. The only reason I never let her go was because of the love I have for her.

You might wonder why I hit her if I love her? But I can't control it. I try to stop and that's also another reason I drink to stop from hitting stuff. Hoping it will calm me down.

She calls me crazy, but she doesn't know the things I've gone through. She doesn't know the struggle.

I also don't want to tell her, I don't want her feeling sorry for me, but I don't want her to hate me either. I just don't even know what to think anymore.

I'm promising for real this time that I'm never ever hitting her again. I don't care what it takes I'm never putting a hand on her.

She doesn't deserve it. She needs better than me, but she actually loves me out of all the people from before in her life she still hasn't left me, and she's had many chances.

Especially that day at the restaurant, with her family, she thinks I didn't notice, but it was obvious. I wanted her to see her family again and that's exactly why I told her father to go that day.

I feel really bad about everything, I want her to live with me forever. I want her to be my wife. I don't care what it takes I'm going to be the best husband I can be just for her.

Even if we end up having children I'm going to put their lives before mine and be the best dad anyone can ask for.

I'm putting everything on the line for her. She's my everything besides Anna she was my everything.

She would make me laugh, we would play, everything was perfect until I ruined it.

I even took the most precious thing away from her, and I'm still acting like a little b*tch to her. Anna taught me better than this.

She gave that precious thing to me the first night. It's not like she hasn't done it for me after that first night.

She's let me do anything I want and that's the reason she scared, because I control her. I treat her like an animal in a cage.

That's the end of it though, it's not going to be like that for now on. Now that I've made my decisions all I have to do is convince her. I have to make her believe me.

It's going to be hard, but like I said I'm putting everything on the line.
I entered the room she was in. She looked so peaceful, but she was no where near that.

She was in a coma. Once again my fault.

Tears threatened to pour down my face, but as much as I blinked them back some came running down my checks.

Everything and all of this is all my fault. As much as I try to help my self and say it's going to be okay I know damn well it's not.

She hates me.
**3 weeks later**
Valerie's POV:

"Yes mom I'm fine" I said while my mom hugged me. She tightened at my back making me wince.

She let go and I put a fake smile on my face. She saw right through it and sat me down asking what happened.

"Mom it's nothing I just fell and the wood was lifted a bit which made a huge cut"

"Valerie don't lie to me. I know damn well you didn't "fall" something happened that you didn't tell me about.

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